Ispol'zovanie metodov operezhajushhego marketinga v upravlenii rostom konkurentosposobnosti korporacii
Ispol'zovanie metodov operezhajushhego marketinga v upravlenii rostom konkurentosposobnosti korporacii
Incoming article date: 26.06.2017The article describes the concept of advanced marketing. Describes the main features of the Corporation, as the organizational-economic forms of business. Investigated the place and role of advanced marketing as a strategic tool of realization of competitive advantages of the business entity. Proposed stages of creating a sustainable business model, which includes initial information gathering,strategic analysis and pricing strategy. Reflects and reveals classic and innovative model of development of the Corporation. Presents the factors in the development of the Corporation's solvency, liquidity and profitability of capital.
Keywords: korporacija, operezhajushhij marketing, organizacionnaja kul'tura, klassicheskaja i innovacionnaja modeli razvitija korporacii