Range of estimates of group cognitive component perception of political order
Range of estimates of group cognitive component perception of political order
Working performances analysis razbrosa otsenok kognitivnogo component relations studentov RGSU k politicheskomu poryadku concession in 2011 goda. Issledovanie vыpolneno a material pilotazhnogo anketirovaniya in kotorom prinyali part 169 chelovek. Shown chto prisutstvuet nizkiy uroveny seats oshibki and falsity in provedenii issledovaniya. Otnositelynыy razbros otsenok from 1.84 to 10.28%. Ishodya seats around svyazi razbrosa otsenok, plyuralistichnosti, vыyavlena ranzhirovka problem studentov most important (within dannoy anketы): 1) эkonomicheskoe blagosostoyanie; 2) perspektivы of budushtee; 3) sotsialynaya zashtishtennosty; 4) obsuzhdaemosty policies semye; 5) vovlechennosty in politicheskie protsessы; 6) prichastnosty k political protsessam.
Klyuchevыe word politicheskiy poryadok, kognitivnыy component gruppovoe vospriyatie, anketirovanie, poll dispersion standartnoe deviation plyuralistichnosty.Keywords: