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  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The research problem of this article is the unequal settling of a sports and recreation complex – the part of the Rostov State Building University's technopark –in a process of fiberwise soaking of subsoil. It describes the simulation of emergency soaking of foundation soil using ANSYS software. The paper presents an analysis of calculation results at different stages.

    Keywords: unique building, unequal settling, subsidingsoil, emergency soaking, Finite element method.

  • Evaluation of organizational and technical level and competitiveness of the construction industry

    The problem of organizational and technical level and competitiveness in a market economy is universal, universal. The competitiveness of the organization is determined by its potential: the production and innovation. The potential of the organization can be defined as a measure of readiness to perform assigned to it production and economic and technical problems. Effectiveness-effective solution of problems of increase of competitiveness of construction enterprises Russia requires improved management of development of personnel potential. The object of research is industrial-economic activities of construction companies in a competitive environment.The subject of research is the development direction of social and labor relations in the work group in order to increase the efficiency of the organization.

    Keywords: Organizational and technical level of construction, competitiveness, capacity of the organization, personnel, motivation, social partnership, innovation

  • A possible approach to the representation of the domain structure in automatic abstracting

    The problem of representation of the structure of the domain, which could be used in automatic summarization is described in this paper. As a solution to this problem, the authors propose to use a denotat-based text analysis technique , developed by A.I. Novikov and his school (Institute of Linguistics). This technique was the basis of the proposed infological model that makes it possible to view the structure of a particular subject area, and ultimately the creation of a system of automatic summarization.

    Keywords: denotation, abstracting, understanding infological model, neural network, text comprehension, semantic clotting

  • Generation of pores in films based on Na-КМЦ polymer with ti-powder including addiction of boehmitу nanoparticles

    Possibility of generation of porous films with filling of Na-КМЦ polymer with ti powder and boehmite nanoparticles was shown, the temperature of thermal decomposition of developed material was defined: 325° C . It was established that homogeneous pores were formed in films when Shannon entropy achieved the lowest value and chemical composition of composite materials didn't change in curing.The correlation between Shannon entropy and generating of homogeneous cells with radius above 125 micrometers was explored.

    Keywords: sodium-carboxymethylcellulose, titan powder, nanoparticles, boehmite

  • The calculation of the evolution of perturbations of the free surface using the finite element method for various variants of the shallow water equations

    The shallow water equations on the plane, the sphere, and in the approximation the beta–plane are investigated numerically using the finite element method. It is shown that the semi-implicit time approximation allows to obtain a stable solution in the case of localized initial perturbation of the free surface for a rotating fluid.

    Keywords: finite elements, shallow water equations, beta–plane, the perturbation of the free surface

  • Dynamic calculation of the project " Sport - Health Center " Technopark RSUCE

    The article presents the dynamic calculation of a unique building’s structure with spatial slab-bar scheme in the action of wind loads with the static and dynamic components of the wind load, using the finite element method. Simulation of the wind effect was produced on the basis of modal analysis. There were determined horizontal and vertical relocations of the node points. Using the findings of the calculations the conclusions were drawn and given recommendations about changing the constructive scheme of the unique building.

    Keywords: unique building; wind load; modal analysis; pulsation component; a building’s structure; finite element method

  • Use of the device of queueing networks for analytical and numerical modeling of an information system without considering the influence of blockings

    Using a device of close homogeneous exponential queueing networks (QN) a mathematical model of an information system functiouning without considering influence of blockings was worked out. A proccessor and the united resourse "channel - external memory" are considered as shared resources. All the users' requests are assumed to be single and homogeneous and the servicing discipline "First Come First Served" is used for sequence of their execution. Analytic expressions are given for calculation of the integral characteristics of the system: the distribuition law of number of messages in a system, the average number of messages at a node, the average sojourn time of a message at a node, the average sojourn time of a message in a system.

    Keywords: data base, blocking, queueing network, servicing discipline for messages, exponential distribution law, conceptual model, state space, the global balance equation, normalizing constant, stationary probability, the distribuition law of number of messages

  • Structure and dielectric properties of B-substituted lanthanum nickelates

    Ceramic materials based on solid solutions La2-xSrxMO4, where M is Ni, Fe, Co, Cu, x = 0, 2 with layered K2NiF4 structure (structure of Ruddlesden-Popper) have been synthesized and investigated. The correlation of dielectric properties with a normalized bond lengths of the metal-oxygen has been observed. The existence of nickel atoms in the 2+ oxidation state for nickelates has been shown.

    Keywords: solid solutions, colossal dielectric constant, resistivity, x-ray diffraction, dielectric spectrum, XANES, low-resistivity semiconductors, the activation energy, the distortion of the coordination polyhedra, oxygen non-stoichiometry

  • Research of the stress-strain state exhibition pavilion Technopark of RSCUE taking into account the different models of founding

    A certainly-element model is worked out soil-fundamental flag-overhead structure. The tensely-deformed state of fundamental flag is investigational taking into account the models of Winkler and Pasternak. On results a calculation charts are got diagrams sinking of fundamental flag.

    Keywords: certainly-element model, Winkler elastic foundation, Pasternak elastic foundation,, coefficient of subgrade resistance, sinking of fundamental flag, stress-strain state

  • Analysis of Dendrological features formation of the functional territorial zones in Rostov-on-Don

    There are dendrological features of architectural design of the functional territorial zones taking into account environmental requirements enumerated in the paper. Particularly, we are talking about of the role of green spaces in residential, recreation and industrial zones and features of their selection for landscaping areas in natural and climatic conditions of Rostov-on-Don.

    Keywords: functional territorial zones, urban development, ecology, dendrology, the system of green spaces, architectural and planning solutions, greening of urban areas, landscaping, residential areas

  • Mathematical model of optimal placing distributed data base onto Local Computing Network knots on the basis of two-level client-server architecture

    Using a device for close exponential networks of mass service a mathematical model for solving the problem of getting integral indexes of distributed information system on the basis of local computing network using two-level architecture “client-server” was worked out. The peculiarity of the model being worked out is in making a selective choice of information at the server and via the channel of communication not the full data base is transmitted but some separate parts of it, which satisfy the conditions of SQL-request search. Using the developed earlier heuristic algorithm the problem of optimal placing the distributed data base onto the local computing system knots according to the criterion of minimal average time of system reaction for users’ requests was solved. The results of numerical experiments are given.

    Keywords: Distributed data base, selective information choice, SLQ-request, transaction, system conditions space, stationary probability, transitive probability, service intensity in network knots, information volume matrix, system reaction time

  • Mathematical model of optimal placing distributed data base onto Local Computing Network knots on the basis of file-server architecture

    Using a device for close exponential networks of mass service a mathematical model for solving the problem of getting integral indexes of distributed information system on the basis of local computing network using file-server architecture was worked out. The heuristic algorithm of optimal placing the distributed data base onto local computing network knots according to the criterion of minimal average time of system reaction for users’ requests is represented. This algorithm uses the understanding of data bases as the points of multidimensional space and the knots in which those data bases are placed as clusters or classes. The results of numerical experiments are given.

    Keywords: Distributed information system, distributed data base, local computing system, mass service network, conceptual model, exponential law of distributing the random value, stationary probability, mark process, the global balance equation, system reaction tim

  • Calculation of reinforced concrete frame buildings, taking into account the impact of emergency in the time domain

    The article examines the calculation of a building frame on the spatial plate-core scheme, taking into account the impact of emergency in the time domain by using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The calculation was performed considering the failure of the loaded columns of the building. The article includes the value added tax analyse and the conclusion about the protection of buildings against progressive destruction of.

    Keywords: The calculation of reinforced concrete frame buildings, the impact of emergency in the time domain, Finite Element Method (FEM), the failure of the loaded columns ,the value added tax analyse, the protection of buildings against progressive destruction

  • Statistical analysis of asymmetric relations between test items in the computer psychodiagnostics

    The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate the advantages of statistical analysis of asymmetric relations between test items in the development of computer versions of psychodiagnostic tools. The main idea is that the statistical analysis of asymmetric relations between test items allows to describe the internal structure of the test in the form of incomplete oriented graph. The authors also attempt to identify some areas of possible applications of this analysis in psychodiagnostics and psychometrics: adaptive testing; assessment of discriminatory power of the test task; determining the reliability of the data. The authors base their arguments on analyzing results of 172 subjects tested by the Russian version of MMPI.

    Keywords: Computer psychodiagnostics, adaptive testing, conjugation of variables, probability, statistical relationship, association, graphs

  • Mathematical modeling of the heat accumulator system for thermal preparation of special equipment

    In the context of the autonomous functioning of special equipment in the Far North and the Arctic is necessary to use its internal resources to maintain optimal thermal state units and units. This can be accomplished using a heat recovery system of the internal combustion engine. For this purpose the heat accumulator. The mathematical modeling of the thermal state of the heat accumulator in the cooling stage. The main factors affecting the cooling time of the thermal battery: TA insulation thickness, weight coolant, coolant temperature, air temperature, wind speed. Also developed a mathematical model of the process of cooling the heat accumulator in general terms. It is presented in graphical form, which simplifies the determination of the time of cooling the heat accumulator in its design. For the definition of Q and Bi developed a program «Time».

    Keywords: operation, heat storage, thermal preparation, heat transfer, heat recovery system, low negative temperature