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  • Ecological and economic security policy in Britain and North Africa

    The article talks about the need for a systematic approach to environmental management, strengthening the involvement of business in improving the efficiency of environmental activities to ensure ecological and economic security both domestically and internationally. Before Britain and North Africa is the solution to many serious problems such as stimulating economic growth, combating climate change, environmental protection.

    Keywords: environmental safety, economic growth, international exposure, innovative-investment process, the system of nature management, efficiency, environmental and economic strategy

  • Development of identification criteria of the investment strategy of machine-building enterprises

    The article is devoted to the development of identification criteria of the investment strategy of machine-building enterprises using the data of the accounting (financial) statements. The type of investment strategy to determine it is proposed to use a combination of three criteria, including the share of spending on modernization of the payments of the organization, the share of the upgrade costs in the cost of fixed assets and the share of portfolio investments in the payments of the organization. the author identified seven types of investment strategies engineering enterprises, depending on the combinations of values of these criteria. The advantage of such approach is that interested external users of financial information about the activities of enterprises, including potential investors, will be able to assess the type of the current investment strategy of the enterprise, and its possible change. These results can be used in the development of programs for the development of investment activity at the regional level.

    Keywords: type of investment strategy, criteria of identification, accounting and reporting, payments on investment transactions

  • Stratified layers of lubricant with different physical and mechanical properties

    It is known that the presence of particles in the lubricating fluid additive or wear products, and also due to its molecular orientation of the wall near the solid support surface bearing lubrication is separation into layers of different viscosities. Laminar flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in the gap of the thrust and radial bearings considered in [1-16]. A significant drawback of the proposed methodology here is that the computational model is ignored pressure dependence of viscosity. For large values of the pressure in the lubricating layer of lubricant viscosity increases significantly, and there is a need to address the dependence of viscosity on pressure.

    Keywords: double-layer lubrication, maintenance force adapted profile, stratified flow, pressure dependence of viscosity, viscoplastic grease

  • Stratification of the lubricant in radial slide bearing

    In the presence of liquid lubricant particles precipitate from wear products or additives, as well as from the wall of the adsorption and chemisorption on metal surfaces contacting bearing surfaces separation occurs at the layers of lubricants with different viscosity properties. For viscous incompressible stratified lubricant in the gap thrust and radial bearings seen in the works. A significant drawback of these studies is that the calculation model is ignored pressure dependence of viscosity. For large values of the pressure in the lubricating layer of lubricant viscosity increases significantly, and there is the need to address the dependence of viscosity on pressure.

    Keywords: double-layer lubrication, maintenance force adapted profile, stratified flow, demfiruyuschie properties, pressure dependence of viscosity.

  • "Applicability of the balance method for summary calculations of the dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere "

    The most important problem of the city is that of economic entities with emission sources, developing projects of maximum permissible emissions (MPE) on their own sources of emissions, and the effect of summation of pollutants from all sources combined into the atmosphere of the city today moment, unfortunately, has not been investigated. An inventory of sources of emission of pollutants into the air, the optimization of observation posts and conduct the calculation of the dispersion of pollutants in Volgograd help to display detailed picture of air pollution in the city. Some problems in the development of a consolidated draft MPE invited to use the balance sheet liability method of pollutants in the city.

    Keywords: pollution, the project of maximum permissible emission inventory of emission sources, pollutants, background contamination, the observation posts, balance method, rate limitation of the volume of seizures of oxygen

  • The analysis of monitoring results of the size and structure of a payment for accommodation in hostels of the higher education organizations

    In article questions of the centers of social tension in the student's environment are considered. As one of such centers the size and structure of a payment for accommodation in hostels of the educational organizations of the higher education acts. On tasks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation a number of monitorings of cost of hostels is carried out, the comparative analysis is made, the received results are analysed, the corresponding conclusions are drawn.

    Keywords: social tension, monitoring, accommodation cost in the hostel, the educational organization, the higher education

  • Stratification of the lubricant in the thrust bearings

    In this paper, based on a system of equations of motion of a viscous incompressible fluid with the viscosity depending on the pressure, and continuity equations, provides self-similar solution using the current functions of the stratified flow of lubricant in the thrust bearings. The proposed model is calculated in contrast with the existing three-layer stratification, further complicated by the dependence of the viscosity of the lubricant pressure. An analytical expression allows to obtain a description of three-layer stratified fluid lubricants and a graph of the effect of structural parameter and viscosity ratio stratified layers on the basic performance of the bearing. Numerical analysis of the dependence of the parameters of the adapted profile and load-carrying capacity of lubricating layers.

    Keywords: three-layer lubrication, maintenance power circuit adapted slider, stratified flow, pressure dependence of viscosity.

  • Services api usage with Facebook and Twitter as example

    Problems with different types of API with Facebook and Twitter social networks an example. Using the Facebook Graph API to retrieve data from the social graph Facebook. Scheme of work Streaming and type REST API.

    Keywords: API, application programming interface, Facebook, FQL, Facebook Graph API, Twitter, twitter streaming api, rest api, streaming api

  • Methods for storing and processing large amounts of data using MapReduce and Percona Server

    Working with big data work involves a huge amount of information and content, rapidly renewable, located in different sources. Tasks work with large data required for efficiency, are used to create new products and enhance competitiveness. This article describes the following methods for working with large volumes of data: MapReduce, Percona server.

    Keywords: Gig data, Concurrent computing, map, reduce, mapreduce, percona server

  • Environmental, economic and social efficiency of resource use in world space scale

    The article is devoted to the solution of problems of effective and safe management in the global scale of the space as a whole and in individual territories. The relationship of economic and environmental security of the world community can be characterized as socio-ecological and economic security, which characterizes the steady state of progressive development of society based on sustainable use and protection of natural resources as a basis for her life under the destructive influence of various external and internal factors. In addition, because the processes associated with security, in essence, are the management, we also need the presence of the subject, ensuring safety,which is considered the productive sector of the economy of each state. The purpose of eco-economic system of environmental management in the global community is the environment in the development of mutually beneficial political and economic relations between .

    Keywords: environmental safety, economic growth, international exposure, innovative-investment process, the system of nature management, efficiency, environmental and economic strategy

  • Multiple-factor model of measurement of labor productivity

    The analysis and systematization of methods of an assessment of multiple-factor labor productivity is carried out; the multiple-factor model of measurement of labor productivity in spheres of material and non-material production in system of regional reproduction proportions is constructed.

    Keywords: productivity, productivity, labor, model, reproduction, region

  • Effective contracts with scientific and pedagogical employees: domestic experience

    The analysis of standard and legal documents of Russia is carried out to the fields of education and sciences which revealed need of development of a scientific component for activity of universities. The received results formed the basis of promotion of a hypothesis that "the effective contract" can act as one of instruments of achievement of the priority purposes and tasks of university, including on their entry into world ratings

    Keywords: effective contract, productivity, university, salary, efficiency indicators

  • Research of devices of registration of ionic current in the combustion chamber

    In article the comparative analysis of various versions of circuitry solutions of realization of devices of registration of ionic current, is made, theoretical justification of almost known advantages and shortcomings of the considered devices. In article are given the experimental data obtained at registration of a signal of ionic current by various devices. Is made processing of oscillograms and shown qualitative advantage of the device of registration of ionic current with the stabilized boost converter for the solution of problems of registration of a signal of ionic current with increased requirements to quality of a signal.

    Keywords: internal combustion engine, signal of ionic current, energy, spark discharge, device of registration

  • Employment of the population as factor of economic development of the territory

    One of the main priority objectives of economic policy of the government of any country in the long term is stimulation of economic growth. Has labor productivity direct impact on rates of economic growth both in the country in general, and in separate branches of economy. Employment can be referred to one of important factors of growth of labor productivity undoubtedly. In article the problem of employment of the population as one of factors of growth of labor productivity and its influence on the economic growth of the territory is considered. The correlation and regression analysis between indicators of unemployment rate and gross domestic product (GDP) is carried out. As a result of the analysis of coefficient of linear pair correlation we come to a conclusion that, according to Cheddok's scale, qualitatively communication force between factors can be characterized as "moderate", that is in 28,64% change of unemployment leads to change of GDP. If to analyze coefficient of linear pair correlation, we can come to a conclusion that communication between factors the return, that is at decrease in unemployment is observed GDP growth and vice versa. Thus, labor productivity, one of which factors is employment of the population, is the most important indicator of development of economy of the territory.

    Keywords: Employment of the population, economic development of the territory, labor productivity, correlation and regression analysis.

  • Forecasting model of the dynamics of reproduction ratios at the regional level: a cognitive approach

    Based on the identification of structural and functional characteristics of the performance and productivity of work, taking into account the balanced development of the region reproduction proportions, constructed cognitive map interaction of regional reproduction proportions with the external environment. In the research was carried out expert assessment of the direction of influence factors in the cognitive model predicting the dynamics of reproduction proportions of the region, on the basis of what has been built cognitive simulation model for predicting the dynamics of reproduction proportions region. This model can be used in determining the degree of influence estimation performance and efficiency of work on the system regional reproduction.

    Keywords: region, the model, the proportion of reproductive performance, effectiveness, cognitive approach, dynamics, balanced development, efficiency, labor.