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  • The performance of the neural network matrix of the operator

    The article shows the possibility of describing complex objects with parallel functioning components in the form of structures built on the basis of neural networks. The neural network is represented by an operator matrix, that is, a formal description that gives a universal way to solve many non-standard control problems. Matrix apparatus is shown to significantly improve the efficiency of the method compared to previously known. It is concluded that the representation of the neural network by the operator matrix provides a universal way to solve the problems of transport and information flows management; neuron-like systems based on such representation of the neuron are able to catch complex nonlinear relationships, self-improvement, learning in the process of use. Their use provides ample opportunities for finding and implementing effective solutions to the problems of management and control of flows

    Keywords: graph, parallelism, transport and information flow, neural network, synaptic weight, predicate, activation function, operator matrix, neuron, complex systems

  • Improvement of the friction absorbing device through the application of modern simulation methods and fabrication plate rolling

    The development of modern technology makes increasingly stringent requirements for materials, and improving the reliability and durability is an urgent task for many industries. One of the most important elements of the automatic coupling device of the car is the absorbing device. The parts included in it must meet high standards, be reliable and provide the necessary hardness and mechanical properties of the materials throughout the life cycle of the car. One of these parts included in the friction unit of the absorbing device is a movable plate. In the present work, an example of modernization of the absorbing apparatus through the use of modern methods of modeling and manufacturing of a fixed plate is given. The technical result is to reduce consumption of materials of the movable plate, and to simplify the manufacturing process of the plate by making it from rolled steel.

    Keywords: Absorbing apparatus, modeling, mobile plate, energy consumption, friction unit, friction, wear resistance, reliability, durability

  • Computer simulation of interaction of silicate and phosphate additives by quantum chemical analysis

    This paper presents two methods of computer simulation (quantum chemical analysis and molecular dynamics) of the interaction of additives with the iron surface. Quantum chemical interaction of silicate and phosphate additives with iron surface was carried out. The plate model was used for quantum chemical analysis, calculations were carried out in the DFT approximation. The method of molecular dynamics is based on the calculation of the evolution of the system of interacting particles of atoms and molecules by integrating the equations of their motion. It is shown that the oxidation of the surface leads to a decrease in the adhesion energy of both individual additives and their combinations, allowing to find the influencing factors on the behavior of tribosystems.

    Keywords: lubricant, method, quantum chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Algorithm for recognition of circuit diagrams at the stage of design of information-measuring systems

    The article describes the algorithm of recognition of schematic diagrams in the framework of structural design of complex technical objects. It is specified that at statement of a problem of development of the specialized vectorizer it is necessary to define: software subsystems of the simplest tracer; algorithms of the analysis of images; formats of representation of the end result; initial data (formats) for recognition. As a result, it was concluded that for structural and circuit design, during which the vertex of the final portrait of the graph of the projected system is replaced, obtained after optimization by the criterion of the set of the smallest external stability, it is necessary to recognize images of graphic elements. The proposed algorithm allows for adequate recognition of the elements of electronic circuits, which further makes it possible to automatically replenish the database of elements with new elements in a given format.

    Keywords: vectorization, concept recognition algorithm, structural design, graphic, element, raster image, electronic circuits, semi-graphical display, block-the functional distribution of the tracer

  • The reconstruction of the architectural ensemble of the mosque of Sultan-Saodat

    The problem of reconstruction of architectural structures of Central Asia is studied. The stages and periodization of the ensemble construction are considered. The basic design solutions of buildings are determined

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, history of the construction industry

  • Evaluation of the efficiency of wet dust collectors

    The article deals with topical issues related to the need to improve the efficiency of dust collection systems, the correct choice of the method of purification of emissions and the design of industrial filters linking the operating modes of devices with the properties of the captured dust. A method of complex treatment of emissions with a wet dust collector built into the process line is proposed.

    Keywords: wet dust collectors, efficiency, system efficiency, optimization, emissions, ecology, dust collection

  • Management of industrial enterprises (characteristics and key figures)

    In the article the analysis of KPI of industrial enterprises, considers the various factors limiting the production growth and the development of guidelines for improving production efficiency. Most economists believe that increasing production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services can be achieved on the basis of systematic analysis of economic activities of the enterprise. The analysis of activities provides an opportunity to develop the necessary strategy and tactics of development of the enterprise, which form the basis for the production programme, revealed reserves of increase of production efficiency.

    Keywords: economy, industry, improvement, efficiency, factors, Finance, sustainability, management

  • The role of effective linguistic communication in the management of the company

    The study presents the results of years of research in the field of creation of effective management of the firm from the position of applied linguistics. The aim of this work is the presentation of scientific and practical results of using the technology of process management organization, methods of linguistic efficiency taking into account the factors of linguistic personality of the employee. The study deals with the description of applied linguistic and managerial models, views, practical results of its application in the applied field to assess to maintain production and reduce losses.

    Keywords: applied linguistics, organization, planning and enterprise management, language personality, employee motivation

  • Methods for evaluating the operational reliability of cars

    The study on the hardness of samples from steel ST3 and 15G. On the basis of the correlation equations obtained values of ultimate strength of the examined steels. With the application of the law of three-parameter Weibull distribution constructed density distribution and the resulting minimum value of ultimate strength. The obtained results are proposed to use to determine the value of the resource for load-bearing systems of vehicles.

    Keywords: reliability, lifetime, the hardness of steel, strength of steels, the endurance limit of steels, the Weibull law

  • Assessment of the degree of protection of groundwater of Kuibyshev district of the Rostov region

    The aim of this work is to study the degree of protection of underground waters of the Kuibyshev district of Rostov region. The study area represented by the geological deposits of Quaternary (recent sediments) Qh, Neogene and Paleogene systems (Oligocene) P3, Cretaceous (upper division) K2 and the Carboniferous system (upper, middle and lower portions) S1,2,3 based. On the analysis of geological structure of water-bearing rocks in the Kuibyshev district of the Rostov region, which showed an insufficient degree of protection of underground waters against pollution and, as a consequence, insufficient supply of public drinking water, built map of underground waters protection of the Kuibyshev district of the Rostov region

    Keywords: groundwater, Geology, classification of water, pollution, drinking water, rural settlement

  • The method of appointment of the composition of the sand mixture for the manufacture of precast concrete products hard pressing with damping additive

    The paper presents the design procedure and the appointment of the composition of the molding mixtures, which is based on computational-experimental approach to the determination of the composition taking into account the quality of the used raw materials and requirements to the properties of concrete manufactured products

    Keywords: Raw materials, grain structure, concrete, svezheulozhennye mix, precast products, hard pressing, block diagram

  • The System Analysis of the Socialization Features of Technical Institute Students in the Conditions of the Transformation Crisis.

    The article presents the results of the sociological survey analysis of the technical institute students. A systematic analysis of the socialization peculiarities, connected with the problem of spiritual security in modern society, is carried out. The issues of spiritual security are relevant, since it is the spiritual attitudes that govern the practical activities of each person in individual self-realization.

    Keywords: system approach, spiritual security, spiritual and moral development, system analysis, professional socialization, personal development, strategy of behavior, social feeling, educational space

  • Simulation modeling as a tool for integrated assessment of strategic risks logistics companies

    The possibility of improving the management efficiency of the main business processes of a logistics enterprise on the basis of an integrated assessment of strategic risks is considered. The methodology is based on the idea of sharing the technology of simulation and two concepts: the Balanced Scorecard (BSС) and the Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS). We propose formula for calculating operational risk based on port statistics collected while running the simulation model, namely the chosen values of the triangular distribution of the statistical data. Also presented a formula linguistic evaluation of integrated strategic risk, lead to the conclusion the risk that previously designated port strategy will not be achieved.

    Keywords: Strategic risk, risk management system, logistics enterprise, business processes, balanced scorecard, strategic map, management decisions, competitiveness, simulation modeling

  • Disposal of technogenic resources using microbial bioconversion

    Abstract: the Article is devoted to the problem of waste production during construction, operation and liquidation of coal mines of Russia. This work suggests that waste recycling technologies, including for reception of energy based on the modeling and system analysis of the biocenosis. The possibility of realization of innovative methods of processing plethodon using the biocenosis. Quite detailed questions transformation of industrial waste into energy through anaerobic bioconversion. As part of a description of the proposed methodology presents the results of field experiments and action program of recycling of materials at the stage of commercial operation. In particular it justifies the optimization of processing technology on the basis of the selection of the most active biocenosis of microorganisms. Theoretical developments are confirmed by practical data.

    Keywords: disposal, technogenic resources, plothole, biotechnology, biotransformation, biocenosis, recycling

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.