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  • Optimization of the characteristics of the receiving antenna profilograph

    The paper deals with the optimization of characteristics and justification of the directional properties of the receiving antenna of a parametric profilograph. A feature of such systems is their performance in the form of a separate receiving channel, providing high sensitivity, the possibility of matching with the receiving-amplifier path and the best signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the receiving antenna must provide for the required overall limitations the required angular resolution in the entire sector of the review. In solving these problems, the simulation was performed on the directional properties of the antenna receiving antenna. The issues of optimizing the layout of the antenna system and the use of cylinders on the transverse piezoelectric effect as elements of the receiving antenna are considered. The question of eliminating the influence of the thickness of the fill of the receiving antenna on the transparency coefficient is considered, which allows to ensure the necessary sensitivity of the receiving antenna.

    Keywords: Kirichenko I. A.

  • Modern public road transport. Tactics to ensure efficiency

    Economic-probabilistic method assesses the feasibility of tactics for MAINTENANCE and operating time and technical condition for buses equipped with electronic control units. The scheme of determination of limit values of diagnostic parameters is proved. It is shown that the implementation of the STATE is appropriate when the economic costs associated with the cost of diagnosing and forecasting the technical condition of the buses are not decisive.

    Keywords: strategy, tactics, method, parameter, maintenance, repair, cost, reliability, operation, technical condition

  • The Prediction and the management of the quality of bitumen according to the formal model

    The important function of the automatic process control system is the ability to forecast and control the quality of a product. The implementation of these functions can be done by using formal models that allow to do the quick reconfiguration of the technological process when the composition of the raw materials and the requirements of product characteristics are changed, etc. in relation to the prediction and management of quality indicators of road and construction bitumens, methods of getting formal models that relates bitumen quality indicators with technological parameters of their production both for classical regression equations and for formal neural networks. The method of getting such models has been worked out on abstract dependencies with further adaptation of the production of bitumen. According to the received formal models the automated process control system can solve both the direct problem of predicting quality indicators by substituting the input technological parameters for the model input, and the inverse problem using nonlinear programming methods to minimize the deviation functions of the quality parameters obtained from the model from the target values given operator technologist.

    Keywords: Bitumen, quality indicators, quality forecast, management of the quality, formal models

  • Evaluation of diagnostic efficiency of vehicles with electronic control units

    On the basis of the mathematical apparatus of Queuing, a mathematical model for the diagnosis of the technical condition of vehicles with electronic control units. The developed mathematical model of vehicle diagnostics in the framework of discrete-event paradigm. Numerical experiments to assess the effectiveness of diagnostics are carried out.

    Keywords: cars, electronic control unit, diagnostics, Queuing system, efficiency, operating costs

  • Improvement of the friction absorbing device through the application of modern simulation methods and fabrication plate rolling

    The development of modern technology makes increasingly stringent requirements for materials, and improving the reliability and durability is an urgent task for many industries. One of the most important elements of the automatic coupling device of the car is the absorbing device. The parts included in it must meet high standards, be reliable and provide the necessary hardness and mechanical properties of the materials throughout the life cycle of the car. One of these parts included in the friction unit of the absorbing device is a movable plate. In the present work, an example of modernization of the absorbing apparatus through the use of modern methods of modeling and manufacturing of a fixed plate is given. The technical result is to reduce consumption of materials of the movable plate, and to simplify the manufacturing process of the plate by making it from rolled steel.

    Keywords: Absorbing apparatus, modeling, mobile plate, energy consumption, friction unit, friction, wear resistance, reliability, durability

  • Mathematical model and numerical methods for solving the operational timber transportation problem

    The article provides a solution a schedule generation problem for the timber transportation, a description of the problem is given, and a multi-criteria mathematical model is created. It is indicated that the task in question can be assigned to the class of vehicle routing problems in the general formulation of GVRP related to the job-shop scheduling. A hybrid algorithm for solving the problem based on the decomposition method using the simplex method and the genetic algorithm was developed. Conducted testing showed the effectiveness of the developed method on real data of wood harvesting enterprises. The results of numerical methods testing on real data suggest a reduction of the complexes of forest transport machines downtime, and an increase of transported wood volume during the planning period. The scientific results presented in the article were used in the development of a planning and management system «Opti-Wood» developed by Opti-Soft company.

    Keywords: wood harvesting, GVRP, optimization, job shop scheduling, operational logistics, genetic algorithm

  • Method of construction of stochastic models of stand structure by thickness in forest machines designing

    Parameters of logging machines are determined by the characteristics of the subject of labour, in particular the size of trees. In stands the sizes of trees vary and have stochastic character. This leads to the difficulty of determining the design tree for the felling machine or calculating the weight of the wood moved by the transport machine. The problem is complicated by the fact that the design of the forest machine should ensure the efficiency of work in different stands. The solution of the problem of determining the calculated characteristics of the subject of labour (characteristics that determine the values of external forces acting on the forest machine) can be based on the analysis of regularities in the structure of stands by thickness. The purpose of this study is to describe a method of constructing stochastic models of the structure of the stand by thickness in the design of forest machines and an example of its application. The proposed method makes it possible to form a stochastic model of the tree stand structure by thickness for the forest area under study and covers procedures from the collection of initial data to the generation of the tree diameter algorithm. Generation algorithms obtained by the method can be used in the development of simulation models for computer experiments aimed at calculating the optimal parameters of forest machines.

    Keywords: forest machines designing, stochastic simulation, stand structure by thickness, tree diameter distribution, simulation modeling, computational experiment on the computer

  • Organization of construction in cramped conditions of a residential building

    The article considers the conditions for the development of the most rational methods of construction in the cramped conditions of the modern city, in which there is an impossibility of using tower cranes, because of the presence in their working area of already erected buildings or structures, other tower cranes, crossings, roadways and sidewalks. Construction work in cramped conditions cause an increased degree of material, construction, environmental risk and the need to strengthen the safety of people as producing the construction of the object, and the living population nearby.

    Keywords: construction, works, factors, safety, territory, risk

  • Innovative methods to reduce the cost of crane beams

    The issue of improving the cost reduction of crane structures is considered. Results of experimental experience of the device of beams of new type are given. Methods of economy of materials at production of beams are offered

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, construction of cranes and crane tracks

  • Application of structural coatings in frame-type buildings

    The question of economy of metal at production of building designs is considered. Measures for the organization of effective production in the current projects of high-rise and long-span buildings are proposed. Measures of increase of efficiency of construction are considered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, production of building materials

  • Experience of Foundation installation on pre-compacted soil

    The question of the device of the bases on preliminary condensed basis is considered. Measures are proposed to ensure the reliability and durability of the structure, taking into account the experience of construction in the USSR. Measures of increase of efficiency of construction are considered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, soil strengthening, foundations

  • Computer simulation of interaction of silicate and phosphate additives by quantum chemical analysis

    This paper presents two methods of computer simulation (quantum chemical analysis and molecular dynamics) of the interaction of additives with the iron surface. Quantum chemical interaction of silicate and phosphate additives with iron surface was carried out. The plate model was used for quantum chemical analysis, calculations were carried out in the DFT approximation. The method of molecular dynamics is based on the calculation of the evolution of the system of interacting particles of atoms and molecules by integrating the equations of their motion. It is shown that the oxidation of the surface leads to a decrease in the adhesion energy of both individual additives and their combinations, allowing to find the influencing factors on the behavior of tribosystems.

    Keywords: lubricant, method, quantum chemical analysis, molecular dynamics, tribology, friction, computer simulation

  • Algorithm for recognition of circuit diagrams at the stage of design of information-measuring systems

    The article describes the algorithm of recognition of schematic diagrams in the framework of structural design of complex technical objects. It is specified that at statement of a problem of development of the specialized vectorizer it is necessary to define: software subsystems of the simplest tracer; algorithms of the analysis of images; formats of representation of the end result; initial data (formats) for recognition. As a result, it was concluded that for structural and circuit design, during which the vertex of the final portrait of the graph of the projected system is replaced, obtained after optimization by the criterion of the set of the smallest external stability, it is necessary to recognize images of graphic elements. The proposed algorithm allows for adequate recognition of the elements of electronic circuits, which further makes it possible to automatically replenish the database of elements with new elements in a given format.

    Keywords: vectorization, concept recognition algorithm, structural design, graphic, element, raster image, electronic circuits, semi-graphical display, block-the functional distribution of the tracer

  • The reconstruction of the architectural ensemble of the mosque of Sultan-Saodat

    The problem of reconstruction of architectural structures of Central Asia is studied. The stages and periodization of the ensemble construction are considered. The basic design solutions of buildings are determined

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, history of the construction industry

  • Digital gas sensor for portable and wireless gas analyzers

    The article describes the concept of the digital gas sensors for toxic and flammable gases used in portable gas analyzers and stationary systems for dangerous objects monitoring. The results of the development of the low-power digital gas sensor for determining the concentration of carbon monoxide are described. The structure of the analog sensitive element, as well as its sensitivity to various gases and ambient temperature, is considered. A structural and schematic solution of a digital gas sensor using operational amplifiers and a miniature microcontroller is presented. The algorithm of firmware of the microcontroller is considered, as well as the calibration process.

    Keywords: Digital gas sensor, toxic gas, gas converter, carbon monoxide, gas analyzer, monitoring system, calibration process, gas generator