The possibility of increasing the reliability of assessing air pollution through the use of probabilistic methods is shown. Evaluation of quality indicators on a quantitative basis made it possible to find an error of the first and second kind in assessing the quality of the atmosphere. Based on the Bayesian approach, dependencies were obtained for estimating and predicting atmospheric pollution in the area of a city that does not have a stationary post, based on data from stationary posts in other areas.
Keywords: atmosphere quality, reliability of the estimate, probabilistic methods, quantitative characteristic, error of the first and second kind, Bayesian approach, a priori probability, posterior probability, likelihood of a quantity
The equations of multiple regression of air quality from factors affecting external sources of emission in the urban environment are obtained. A prototype of a forced air supply ventilation valve with air purification, placed in the outer wall of the building, using various sorbents together with a photocatalytic filter (a thin porous plate coated with titanium dioxide next to two UV lamps, UV-A range, 365 nm, 6 W each) was developed. Full-scale studies of five options for purifying the supply air were carried out. High quality of outdoor air purification from pollutants has the following options: shungite; zeolite; silica gel; photocatalytic filter, its purification efficiency was 96.39-99.98% for carbon oxide (II), 96.39-97.89% for phenol, 95.76-97.78% for formaldehyde, and 93.97-95.12% for aliphatic hydrocarbons (C1-C5). The results obtained can be used in multi-storey construction.
Keywords: forced air supply valve, prototype, pollutants, sorbent, shungite, zeolite, silica gel, photocatalytic filter
The article is devoted to the issue of improving the environmental safety of highly urbanized territories. The article presents the results of field measurements of pollutants into the atmosphere from gas stations within the urbanized territories of cities of the Russian Federation. The largest part of the allocation of oil product vapors entering the local aspiration systems is associated with the operations of filling and emptying fuel storage tanks at gas stations. The results of field measurements of the values of hydrocarbon concentrations obtained on the basis of the values of maximum permissible concentrations of ingredients are presented. The conclusion is drawn on the feasibility of environmental protection measures to reduce emissions when finding housing in the border area of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of gas stations. To reduce emissions from gas station sources, it was proposed to equip the gas aspiration system of the gas feeling tank with an improved design of the absorption device. In order to reduce waste generation as a working agent in such devices, it was proposed to use wastewater with a certain amount of oil products from a local gas station treatment device. This approach also allows to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact of gas stations in terms of the formation of additional amounts of waste generated during their operation. Successful tests have shown reliable and efficient operation of the pilot plant with the proposed apparatus.
Keywords: gas station, gasoline, emission, atmosphere, concentration, hydrocarbons, aspiration, reservoir, pollution, oil product, pollution, water
An important problem of modern ecology is air pollution for most cities. Studies show that the largest danger to the human body is particles up to 10 microns in size, therefore, the content of suspended solids PM10 and PM2.5 (concentration) is controlled. The article presents the results of studies of air pollution with fine dust in the winter season
Keywords: dust, dispersed materials, suspended solids, PM2.5, PM10, atmosphere, air, ecology, ecology of urban areas, environmental safety
Laboratory equipment necessary for studying the fractional composition of dust in the air of an industrial enterprise and at the border of its sanitary protection zone is proposed. harmful substances, as well as determine the dispersion of dust emitted into the air. the organization and development of new products on existing production sites.
Keywords: dust, dispersion, measurement, air, laboratory, instrument, material, filter, particle, industry, concentration, sample
The work is devoted to the consideration of problems and the state of use of alternative energy sources. The description of various types of refrigerating machines using solar energy for air conditioning systems of administrative and residential buildings is given.
Keywords: solar energy, secondary heat sources, absorption refrigeration machines, lithium-methanol bromide mixture.
An idea is introduced of the directing structures of the director and reflex types that contribute to the formation of air flows, which in a given way contribute to an increase in mechanical power on the shaft of its rotor. These structures can be used to amplify the moment on the rotor shaft by increasing its useful interference with the stator. Qualitative considerations about the influence of the introduced guide structures are confirmed by the introduction and numerical aerodynamic calculations of two modernized designs of a promising vortex wind power installation, considered in the previous works of the authors. The most optimal variant of rotor modernization was selected, which made it possible to increase the power on its shaft by an average of 45% relative to the corresponding power for the design of a wind turbine with an initial rotor shape in the operating range of wind speeds from 1 to 12 m / s. The materials of this article can be used to design the optimum aerodynamic power criterion for the rotor of wind power plants, their stations, as well as integrated power power plants, including a wind power plant as one of the renewable sources of energy.
Keywords: wind power installation, airflow structuring, director-type guide structure, reflex-type guide structure, vortex structure, rotor aerodynamic torque, aerodynamic optimization by the criterion of maximum power, numerical aerodynamic calculation, sliding gr
The article presents the theoretical foundations of altimetry and measurement of airspeed and mathematical models of air pressure probes as part of air data system. The influence of external destabilizing factors, such as deformation of the flow near the aircraft fuselage due to action of Environmental Control System to functioning of aviation devices is considered. The calculation of the external flow around the fuselage of the aircraft to determine the pressure values at the installations locations of the air pressure probes. Applying the numerical research results and analytical methods, were calculated the values of altitude and registered calibrated airspeed for each air pressure probe. Conclusions are drawn about the effect of Environmental Control System for pressure perception by air pressure probe. ANSYS CFX software was used for modeling and engineering calculations of the external air flow around the aircraft fuselage.
Keywords: air pressure probe, static pressure receiver, artificial feel system pitot, mathematical model of the air pressure probe, environmental control system, air data system, altimetry, airspeed, ANSYS CFX, aerodynamic calculation
The paper presents an analytical description of the unfolding surface of one of the products of light industry – aerodynamic shape. All surface elements are designed in the Maple environment based on the 4GL package commands. A set of commands allowing to describe surfaces and spatial curves analytically is proposed for the construction of 3D graphical objects. Elements sweep aerodynamic shape are conical and cylindrical sweep with a special character of their boundaries. The proposed description of the surface of the air shape allows you to design a technical product of specified geometric dimensions according to the calculated geometry of the elements of the air shape.
Keywords: description of the spatial shape of aero figures, Maple 2015 package, 3D graphic objects of conical and cylindrical types, 2D scanning
The authors of this article considered some aspects related to the history, manufacture and operation of temporary public pneumatic structures in an urban environment. In recent years, pneumatic structures have been used quite often and successfully as multipurpose portable temporary structures for public use. They are an excellent alternative to traditional capital structures made of steel, concrete, bricks. The authors showed design differences and features of air-supported and air-inflatable buildings, described in detail the areas of their application, advantages and disadvantages. This article discusses the characteristics of the material used for coating pneumatic structures, modern innovative trends in the production of multilayer composite membranes. The authors of this article conclude about the possibility of expanding the use of pneumatic structures instead of traditional portable temporary public buildings.
Keywords: air support building, temporary structure, pneumatic structure, membrane, dome, inflatable structure, temporary structure, mobile structure, composite material, long-span structure, multi-purpose space
An experimental assessment of the dependence of the normal flame velocity of methane-hydrogen fuel with air using the Gouy-Michelson method has been carried out. The concentration of hydrogen varied from 0% to 70% by volume.
Keywords: burning rate, normal flame propagation speed, flame front, methane-hydrogen fuel, Gouy-Michelson method
The article provides an overview and analysis of the best available techniques (BAT) for reducing dust to the atmosphere from enterprises of various industries (mining, fuel industry, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, building, livestock production). Dust has the property to settle and adsorb, affects the state of the environment and human health. These factors determine the importance of introducing dust reduction technologies. Methods generated applicable and branch, as well as the main factors limiting the applicability of technologies. Recommendations proposed to improve the implementation of the best available techniques.
Keywords: atmospheric air, dust, best available technique, industry, dust removal equipment
The authors analyzed the successive stages of the process of air pollution, built a physical model in relation to the operating conditions of the drying drum of a brick factory, which allowed to determine the features of atmospheric pollution in these conditions
Keywords: inorganic dust dispersion system, the parameters of the properties of the contaminant, the enterprise of construction industry, health, manufacture of bricks, tumble dryer, power parameters, a physical model of the process of air pollution
The article is devoted to the process of air pollution as a result of the production and application of paints and varnishes used in the construction industry. In the process of pollution in the air enters the polluting aerosol (toluene), which is a toxic substance. The whole process of pollution is considered step by step, where at each stage the contaminating aerosol changes its parameters of properties. The result of the analysis of the pollution process is a physical model and mathematical dependence describing the essence of this process.
Keywords: environmental safety in construction, air pollution, toluene, pollutants, acrylic copolymer, the formation of pollutants, the release of pollutants, the spread of pollutants
The results of the calculation of installations for reducing the level of air pollution from dust and gas emissions from the Bzugu wastewater treatment plant are given. The aerodynamic calculation of pipelines of the system for cleaning dust and gas emissions and the calculation of prevented environmental damage during the implementation of the proposed environmental measures have been performed.
Keywords: dryers, dust and gas emissions, dust, ammonia, turboscrubber, Yatagan gas convector, axonometric scheme