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  • Calculation of adaptive dual circuit systems settings

    The method of calculation of tuning coefficients for adaptive control systems implemented with the help of software and hardware systems and installed programmatically at the time of commissioning is proposed. The described algorithm consists of five steps: at the first step, the settings of the selected controller are calculated according to the known transfer function of the control object; at the second step, the method of structural transformations is the equivalent transfer function of the object controlled by the second controller; at the third step on the received equivalent transfer function of the control object settings of the regulator are calculated using a given algorithm; at the fourth step the calibration calculation of the regulator settings on the transfer function of the equivalent object is carried out; at the fifth step the decision on the end of the calculation is made. It is concluded that the presence of a program for calculating the settings greatly facilitates the process of commissioning of software and hardware systems and can significantly improve the quality of adaptive control of large and many tonnage control objects.

    Keywords: the method of calculation, the adjustment factor, adaptive management, object management, software and hardware, commissioning the work, the structure of the controller, a differential control action, transfer function, controller settings

  • Study of installation parameters of traffic and pedestrian traffic lights

    This article deals with the issue of the installation of traffic lights on the urban road network. A technique has been developed to select the method for controlling pedestrian traffic lights, and a model has been proposed for determining conditions for regulating pedestrian and traffic flows depending on intensity. The installation parameters of traffic and pedestrian traffic lights

    Keywords: светофорные объекты, заторовая ситуация, пропускная способность, методика управления движением, безопасность движения, регулирование транспортных потоков, эффективность дорожного движения, аварийность, экологическая безопасность, интенсивность движения

  • Development and computer simulation of AC voltage regulator

    Development of electric energy converters with high energy characteristics is an important scientific and technical task. The solution of this problem is impossible without the use of modern methods of computer modeling. To improve the quality of electricity, filter-compensating devices are used. Develop converters with good energy performance. In this paper, we developed a computer model and circuit of the AC voltage regulator with high-frequency pulse modulation of the output voltage. Methods of digital signal processing and computer simulation are used. In the environment of the software product MATLAB, a program synthesizing the form of voltage at the output of the AC voltage regulator. The program uses a variety of algorithms to control the power keys of the AC voltage regulator. The results of harmonic analysis of the output voltage of the regulator are presented. The study of the AC voltage regulator circuit is performed in the environment of the ORCAD software product. The work of the scheme on the active-inductive load is considered. Electromagnetic processes occurring in the circuit of the AC voltage regulator are investigated. The optimization of the scheme elements is performed. Time diagrams of currents and voltages are obtained. The results of computer simulation can be used in the development of electrical energy converters for electrochemical and electro thermal production.

    Keywords: computer simulation; AC voltage regulator; algorithm; high-frequency pulse modulation; time diagrams; transistor key; control system; harmonic composition; damping circuit; thyristor; active-inductive load

  • Calculation of installations for reducing the level of air pollution from dust and gas emissions from the Bzugu wastewater treatment plant dryers

    The results of the calculation of installations for reducing the level of air pollution from dust and gas emissions from the Bzugu wastewater treatment plant are given. The aerodynamic calculation of pipelines of the system for cleaning dust and gas emissions and the calculation of prevented environmental damage during the implementation of the proposed environmental measures have been performed.

    Keywords: dryers, dust and gas emissions, dust, ammonia, turboscrubber, Yatagan gas convector, axonometric scheme

  • Organization of construction in cramped conditions of a residential building

    The article considers the conditions for the development of the most rational methods of construction in the cramped conditions of the modern city, in which there is an impossibility of using tower cranes, because of the presence in their working area of already erected buildings or structures, other tower cranes, crossings, roadways and sidewalks. Construction work in cramped conditions cause an increased degree of material, construction, environmental risk and the need to strengthen the safety of people as producing the construction of the object, and the living population nearby.

    Keywords: construction, works, factors, safety, territory, risk

  • Feasibility study of the technology on utilization of organic and inorganic carbon-containing waste by the method of pyrolysis

    This article discusses the use of waste disposal technologies, their technological and environmental-economic assessment. The relevance of this work is determined by the current trend on finding affordable and effective technologies for waste disposal, taking into account their energy potential. A comparative analysis of existing technologies for waste treatment and a feasibility study on the utilization of organic and inorganic carbon-containing waste by the pyrolysis method have been carried out. The authors analyzed the Russian and foreign experience of using waste technologies as alternative energy sources. The energy component of production and consumption wastes is considered. The scheme of the production complex using the pyrolysis technology, focused not only on the processing of waste, but also obtaining the sought-after useful competitive product.

    Keywords: ecology, pyrolysis technology, waste recycling, municipal solid waste, MSW, biofuel

  • Analysis and justification of the choice of method of processing waste production and consumption

    This paper discusses the current problems of waste management: sorting and their further processing. The average morphological composition of waste in Russia and in the world is presented. Possible methods of recycling waste components on different morphological composition are considered. A comparative analysis of the existing promising technologies for processing waste used in the Russian Federation, including municipal solid waste by burning, pyrolysis and plasma gasification, from the point of view on economic and environmental efficiency of the process. The technical and economic features of the low- and high-temperature pyrolysis process are given. As economic indicators used are specific capital investments, the cost of utilization, energy consumption and production recoupment. The assessment of environmental efficiency is determined by indicators such as the degree and duration of waste disposal, the generation of waste in the recycling process, and the pollution in the soil, groundwater, and the atmosphere.

    Keywords: ecology, pyrolysis, waste treatment, municipal solid waste, solid waste, recycling, waste management

  • Software implementation modeling tasks of the main integral indicators of economic information systems functioning

    This article describes a software package to solve the problem of optimal placement of information resources-fragments of a distributed database on the nodes of a distributed economic information system by the criterion of the minimum average response time of the system to user requests. The software complex consists of software-implemented mathematical models of distributed systems of processing economic information on the basis of file-server, two-level client-server and three-level client-server architecture, as well as optimization algorithm. The developed software product also allows to make experiments for obtaining and subsequent analysis of the dependence of the reactivity of distributed systems on such integral characteristics as the dimension of the problem, the intensity of the formation of requests by users, the speed of message transmission through communication channels, the speed of reading, the speed of writing and processing in the nodes, which allows to implement a more rational organization of the computational process in the system. The software was implemented in C#, the NetFramework 4.6.1 platform, using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community development environment.

    Keywords: economic information system, distributed information processing system, architecture "file-server", two-level architecture "client-server" three-level architecture "client-server", the global balance equation, a closed exponential queueing network

  • Analysis of environmental hazards and the calculation of the level of air pollution sewage treatment plants "Bzugu"

    The results of the calculation of the hazard class of dust and gas emissions from the dryer of sewage sludge from the sewage treatment plant "Bzugu" in Sochi are presented.

    Keywords: sewage sludge, dryers, dust and gas emissions, air pollution assessment

  • Features of structural evaluation of protective pressure-tight shell of nuclear power plants with a VVER-1000 reactor during the construction period

    The issues of evaluation features of reinforced concrete structures of protective shells of the NP-1000 project of nuclear power plants with a the water-water energetic reacto (VVER-1000) during the construction period are considered. The results of measurements of the strength characteristics of concrete, the thickness of the protective layer of reinforcement and the parameters of cracks made in the framework of the instrumental survey are given. The conducted instrumental survey allowed us to obtain fairly complete and reliable information about the parameters of the elements of the protective pressure-tight shell to perform calculations of the stress-strain state of the shell.

    Keywords: protective pressure-tight shell, methods of non-destructive testing, deformations, displacements, cracks, strength of concrete

  • The principle of covering the costs of a construction company

    The issue of improving the cost coverage of the construction company is considered. The authors consider the issues of break-even production. The article deals with three main sources of losses of a construction company. Measures to eliminate them are proposed

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, break-even production

  • Reduction of the minimum fixed gas volume for the counting mechanism of the diaphragm metering device for natural gas consumption

    The development of modern electronics has led to the improvement and modernization of natural gas meters. Mechanical devices increasingly began to be replaced by electronic ones, which allow to provide higher accuracy, resolution of the device and have a number of additional features, for example, allow to register events and monitor readings. The task of such devices is to provide completely autonomous operation from the battery element in the period from 5 to 10 years. The battery life is determined by the number of consumers of electricity included in the meter and can be reduced to very small values ​​due to the use of modern electronic components with low power consumption. In addition, it is possible to reduce power consumption by implementing certain algorithms of the device. In this paper, we consider the options for constructing a measuring target, and the algorithms for operating the digital part, which allow us to reduce power consumption.

    Keywords: measuring circuits, natural gas meters, energy consumption, measuring target, energy efficiency

  • Electron temperature in the sporadic E layer of the ionosphere of the Earth

    The necessity of studying the thermal balance of electrons in the ionospheric sporadic E layer to clarify the conditions of its formation in the framework of the theory of the wind shear. The method of calculation of the altitude profile of electron temperature in the sporadic E layer of the ionosphere. Reported satisfactory agreement between the calculated profile of the temperature of the eiectrons and its experimental profile.

    Keywords: ionosphere electron, temperature, sporadic layer, heat balance, the heating rate, wind shear, altitude profile of the temperature probe measurements

  • On the issue of effective organization of road construction

    The problems of road construction organization are considered. The issues of efficient and competent allocation of resources in the conditions of construction under continuous road maintenance are being studied. The issue of the construction of enclosing structures is raised to isolate sections and bands of high-speed and multi-lane highways

    Keywords: organization of construction; the economy of construction, the history of architecture, the history of the construction industry

  • Biological method of decontamination of waste waters of pig-breeding complexes

    The results of studies of herbal preparations on their suitability for de-worming sewage of pig-breeding complexes.

    Keywords: disinfection, pig complexes, sewage, herbal preparations