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  • The attitude towards labor migrants in the south of Russia: integration prospect in the conditions of external calls

    On the example of these regional sociological researches the problem of integration of labor migrants into the accepting communities of the South of Russia, in the conditions of external calls – political crisis in Ukraine and waves of stressful migration is analyzed. As the factors defining the population attitude towards migrants are considered: social and economic well-being, dominating social identity of the population, the general migratory situation in the region

    Keywords: labor migration, refugees, social well-being, South of Russia, civil identity, ethnic identity, integration of migrants

  • Dynamics of the North Caucasian diasporas in the regions and territories of the South of Russia - size, geography, the potential of conflict (current trends)

    The article analyzes the demographic dynamics and settlement communities in the North Caucasus regions and territories of the South of Russia in the post-Soviet period. Fixed basic forms, directions and scope of migration, as well as gender and age structure of some communities. Understands the complexity of the interaction of host South Russian ethno-cultural communities and the North Caucasian diaspora, explores the peculiarities of "Slav-North Caucasus" etnokonfliktnogo capacity in urban areas and rural regions of the South of Russia. Outlines possible prospects of development of the North Caucasian communities within the "Russian dance" South macro-region

    Keywords: North Caucasian diaspora, South Russia, population distribution strategies, migration activity,ethnocentric potential

  • Dynamics of the largest regional diasporas, as an indicator of the ethnic and demographic evolution of the population of the Rostov region

    The article analyzes the population dynamics, habitat settlement in the Rostov region of Ukrainians and Armenians, representing two major regional diaspora. We study their complex demographic and spatial relationship in the post-war decades, and in the post-Soviet period. The reasons rapidly declining regional Ukrainian community in the late twentieth century - beginning of the XXI century. Predicted the most likely scenario, the demographic dynamics of the two diasporas in the coming decades, examines the role in this process of modern Ukrainian crisis caused by the influx within the scope of large numbers of refugees.

    Keywords: Ukrainians and Armenians, regional communities, and the number of resettlement, ethno-cultural structure of the Diaspora

  • The structure of group installations the politically active part of the population of the Rostov region (according to 2014).

    Work represents research of structure of group installations in relation to a political order. The studied audience - politically active part of the population of the Rostov region. Measurement is carried out using questionnaires. The survey involved 402 respondents. Age from 19 to 73 years. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is received, among the interrogated group there are pro-government moods, with support of work in the government, for the purpose of support to the existing regime – 44,8%. It is revealed, the majority of respondents have a negative attitude to the protest actions. Thus the increased level of an emotional involvement and participation in political processes is observed.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Technologies of modeling socio-cultural interactions in multi-ethnic regions

    Presents materials of the reports presented at the section "Technologies of modeling socio-cultural interactions in multi-ethnic regions" international scientific conference of young scientists "Actual problems of modeling, designing and forecasting of social and political processes in multicultural space of modern society". The organizer of the specified partition conference was organized by the North-Caucasian scientific center of higher school and the Department of modeling of social processes of the southern Federal University. The materials reflect the results of research of young scientists, postgraduates and undergraduates, obtained with the use of various aspects of model-based approach.

    Keywords: Technology, modeling, social modeling, socio-cultural interaction,multi-ethnic region

  • RGSU students relation to political life at the end of 2013

    The work is aimed at studying the relationship of young people to the political sphere of society. Research was carried out the end of 2013 using questionnaires. In the survey of 185 people attended. There is a low level of participation in the political process, and the average level of emotional involvement. It is received, the low level of political activity of young people: weak electoral activity and indifference to social movements. Assessment of the political situation on the value of the average in the Region - 2.39 and Russia - 2.04.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Design technologies of socio-cultural development of South Russia

    Article dedicated to design technologies of socio-cultural and ethno-political development of southern Russia. Proposed the concept of regional research programs.

    Keywords: South Russia, Southern Federal University, technology, program, facility

  • Cognitive and behavioural components of the relations to the political order of students of DGTU (according to 2013)

    The article examines the cognitive and behavioral components of group attitudes toward political order of students of DGTU.  Pilot study took place in 2013 and was carried out using questionnaires, which was attended by 52 people. The analysis represents a hierarchical clustering on the basis of consecutive factorization. It is received, group level of a relative deprivation – 0,46. In assessing deprivation group decomposed into two subgroups, with average values in each - 0.3 and 0.6. Perceptions of political order at the cognitive level:  -0,174 for local government and-0,139 for Russia. In perception of local government the group broke into two subgroups: -0,3 and 0,2. Behavioral component perception of political order defined by two subfactor: active behavioral level - 0.39, and the estimated level of oppositional behavior - 0.57.

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political attitudes, factor analysis

  • Modeling the emotional perception of the political order by students of DGTU

    In the autumn of 2013 a pilot survey was conducted among students DSTU, which was attended by 52 respondents. Purpose - to reveal emotional perception of the students of local and central political government by the method of semantic differential. The paper presents a psychosemantic phenomenological model processing of survey results by the method of semantic differential. On average semantic portraits are calculated relative distances between the group images of real political order and the images of the ideal constructs. Phenomenological parameters are determined by them and calculated the required level of group emotional perception of a political order. Calculations group levels of emotional perception of the political order showed similar results as the linear approximation: -0.015 for Region and for Russia as a whole -0.033. Shown, the model allows to determine not only the group levels of perception, but also to build the surface of the stationary states. This surface describes the behavior the level of perception associated with a quasistatic change of phenomenological parameters caused by external conditions. Images of perception of real political orders are in quiet area. At quasistatic variations of external conditions it is necessary to expect little smooth changes of level of perception.

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, questioning, catastrophe theory, psychosemantic phenomenological modeling

  • Capabilities of multi-agent modelling toolset Repast Simphony.

    The article discusses a tool for development, simulation and analysis of multi-agent models - Repast Simphony. The research of both: the instrument and development process. Briefly describes the most interesting additional features of the runtime environment in Repast.

    Keywords: agent base modeling, agent-based model, Repast, open source

  • Group political attitudes of students in Grozny in 2013

    В работе приведен анализ групповых установок по отношению к политическому порядку молодежи г. Грозного в 2013 году. Мониторинг политических установок осуществлялся методом анкетирования. В пилотажном исследовании приняли участие 120 человек. Выявлены и изучены компоненты политических установок. Уровни найденных восприятий рассчитывались в линейном приближении с использованием факторного анализа, и являются значениями средних, которые строились при помощи описательных статистик.  Уровни когнитивного восприятия политического порядка для Республики: 0,265, и для России: 0,271. Найденные значения являются схожими и  положительными, но следует отметить, что имеют противоположную величину, по сравнению со значениями, полученными в исследовании среди студентов Ростова-на-Дону.  Уровень относительной депривации за 2013 год равен 0,333. Это свидетельствует о том, что руководство Республики сумело закрепить и повысить уровни социальной и экономической защищенности среди студенчества. Поведенческий компонент имеет два уровня: оценка и активность. Оценочный уровень поведения составил -0,275, и уровень поведенческой активности 0,517. Оценочный фактор поведения студенческой группы выявил низкое значение (молодые люди могут не обсуждать новости политики с друзьями, семьей и т.д.),  однако действительное поведение находится на высоком уровне (активное участие в выборах и общественных движениях). Далее, по полученным факторам осуществлялась вторичная факторизация и расчет уже итогового поведенческого компонента. Для 2013 года общий уровень поведенческой составляющей равен 0,352. 

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political attitudes, factor analysis

  • The analysis of the relation of young people to the political life in Rostov-on-Don in 2012

    The paper deals with the analysis of of the relation to the political life among young people in Rostov-on-Don. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to  the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is revealed, students possess low electoral and social activity: "don't take part in elections" – 47,4%. In the relation to protest actions the group was stratified on two subgroups: one has a positive attitude towards the antigovernment actions, the second - is negative. The relative deprivation is at the average level, but 1\4 of the group have the high level of deprivation, which may cause a political tensions in the future.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Group political attitudes of students DGTU

    The article discusses the analysis of group attitudes toward political order DGTU students. Pilot study took place in 2013 and was carried out using questionnaires, which was attended by 52 people. The analysis includes statistical processing data, as well as the method of sequential factor analysis with the identification of group settings.
    Levels of cognitive perception of political order for the Region: -0,174 and Russia: 0,139. The level of relative deprivation is 0,46. Behavioral component has two levels: assessment and activity. The estimated level of behavior was 0,151, and the level of behavioral activity is -0,205. Further, according to the received secondary factors carried factorization and final calculation has behavioral component. An integral level of behavioral component is -0.12.   

    Keywords: групповые установки, аффективный компонент, поведенческий компонент, когнитивный компонент, относительная депривация, анкетирование, политические установки, факторный анализ

  • Dynamic model of students' professional specialization

    A differential game theoretic model of the social partnership relations in the system of higher professional education is proposed. The state vector describes a level of students' professional level. Some approaches to the model identification and investigation based on simulation modeling and differential cooperative game theory are considered.

    Keywords: social partnership, higher professional education, differential cooperative games, simulation modeling, identification

  • Analysis of cognitive and behavioral component group to the political order among students RSSU

    Research represents the analysis of group political installations among students of RGSU in the period of the end 2012 – the middle of 2013. Studying of installations was carried out by means of questioning in which more than 330 young people were involved. Analysis of the data held in the linear approximation using descriptive statistics and factorization. It is received, in cognitive perception of a political situation in Region respondents treat slightly better, than a situation in Russia, thus in both cases level is negative. For 2012 perception level in Region: -0,23, in Russia: – 0,27 . For 2013 in Region: – 0,20, in Russia: –0,23. The level of relative deprivation is average and slightly increased by the end of the period : in 2012, the level is 0,523 and in 2013 was 0,555. The analysis of total level of a behavioural component was carried out by consecutive factorization. The behavioural component consists of two parts: assessment and activity. So, for the middle of 2013 estimated level of behavior was - 0,096, and activity level-0,268. Further on these factors the subsequent factorial analysis with identification of the general behavioural installation was carried out. For the end of 2012 the general level of a behavioural component is equal – 0,052, and for the middle 2013 this level made - 0,148. Thus, total level of a behavioural component of group installation in relation to a political order tends now slow transition from alienation to performance against an existing order. 

    Keywords: group settings, the affective component, a behavioral component, cognitive component, relative deprivation, questioning, political order, factor analysis, descriptive statistics