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  • On the issue of data mining to assess the risks of emergencies in the Arctic zone of Russia

    The article examines the man-made risks in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, methods of working with data related to the use of intellectual analysis, and the use of information systems for forecasting risks and is designed for the widest range of readers. The conducted research demonstrates that the use of data mining methods opens up broad prospects for data integration. This process includes the adaptation of the system to specific emergency situations typical of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as the development of appropriate interfaces for interaction with external subsystems. As a result of the conducted research, the conclusions were obtained: 1. Intelligent methods allow you to analyze large amounts of data and identify hidden patterns, which helps you make more informed decisions. The quality of decisions is improved. 2. Intelligent data processing allows you to automate routine tasks and optimize business processes. This leads to increased productivity and lower costs. The efficiency of business processes increases. 3. Intelligent systems can analyze data about past events and predict future trends. This allows you to take measures to reduce risks and ensure safety. These processes make it possible to reduce risks. 4. Intelligent algorithms can process data in real time, which allows you to quickly respond to changes in the external environment. 5. In the future, it is planned to work out the issue of introducing intelligent data analysis algorithms into man-made emergency forecasting analytics systems and the development of the data science concept, such as the GIS Atlas of Natural Hazards and Risks.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Organizational and technological directions for the restoration of facilities after emergencies using BIM technologies

    The article discusses the conceptual and practical areas of application of BIM-technologies when performing work on the inspection and restoration of buildings and structures affected by natural and man-made emergencies, as well as when modeling the consequences of natural disasters or man-made disasters. The methods of using BIM software systems in case of fires, earthquakes, floods, floods, as well as in organizing the evacuation of people and assessing damaged building structures are considered separately.

    Keywords: emergencies, facility restoration, BIM technologies, man-made disasters, natural disasters, building surveys

  • Analysis of information flows in the operational communication channels of the Fire Service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry

    This article discusses the issues of collecting, processing and analyzing information flows in the operational communication channels of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the example of the territorial fire and rescue garrison of the Volgograd region.

    Keywords: operational communications, fire and rescue garrison, crisis management center, dispatcher, information load, special line "01", information and telecommunication technologies, FPS detachment, fire protection units

  • Prediction of emergencies in the chemical water cleaning circuit within the framework of the decision-making system based on the compositive model

    The task of building a decision-making system within the framework of automated systems of accident-free control of technological processes based on prediction models is considered. The decision-making system includes emergency forecasting system, integral criterion of accident-free control, preventive maintenance system, automated process control system. The aim of the work is to develop a compositive model for predicting emergencies of chemical water cleaning process. MATLAB software package and visual programming environment MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO were selected as a toolkit for predicting emergency situations of the technological process. The prediction model is a composition of thermodynamic, linguistic and neural network components. An example of compositive model for forecasting emergency situations of chemical water cleaning process is considered. Computational experimental research of the model is presented. It is concluded that the components of the prediction model complement each other, and an objective assessment of the state of the chemical water cleaning process should be carried out on the basis of the prediction of all three models.

    Keywords: forecasting, emergency situation, technological process, accident-free control, decision-making system, automated system, compositive model, integral criterion, chemical water cleaning, computational experiment, real-time mode

  • Algorithm for optimal planning of operations to eliminate the consequences of fires and emergencies by a heterogeneous group of autonomous mobile robots

    An algorithm for planning work in a group of autonomous mobile robots performing the functions of eliminating the consequences of fires or emergency situations (ES) is proposed. Such a multi-agent robotic system (MRTS) should work effectively without the direct participation of an operator performing the functions of a decision maker (DM). The autonomy of the MRTS is due to the emergency conditions with foci of infection, dangerous for the stay of people. The paper proposes an approach and a corresponding algorithm for constructing a machine-learning model that solves the problem of optimal current planning for emergency response operations for MRTS, where an experienced decision-maker is the teacher.

    Keywords: mobile robots, work area, job distribution, limited resources, linear programming problem, optimal planning, constraints

  • The analysis of emergencies on linear part of the main gas pipelines.

    In article statistical data on failures on a linear part of the main gas pipelines are presented, the reasons of their emergence are defined. Standard scenarios of development of emergencies are provided, and also the basic principles of determination of frequency of emergence of failures are shined.

    Keywords: accident, analysis, diameter, linear part of the main gas pipelines, depressurization, scenario, pipeline.

  • Emergencies associated with mudslides in the Northern Caucasus

    Contains information about the conditions of formation of mudflows, types and genesis of landslides in the last century and the first decade of the 21st century on the territory of the North Caucasus, the number of those mudslides, committed in the North Caucasus in the period 2002-2011, the number of municipalities affected by mudflow danger on the territory of the North Caucasus in 2010 year The article contains a table 4. Bibliography-3 title.

    Keywords: debris, nanosovodnye, mud flows, mudflows with rainwater Genesis, glacial debris flows, mixed with glacier-rain sat down, snow, mixed snow-rain sat, sat limnogennye

  • The analysis of the main reasons for a traumatism at operation of tower cranes and actions for decrease in emergencies

      In article it is provided results of the analysis of a traumatism and breakdown rate at operation of tower cranes. Actions for their prevention are given.

    Keywords: risk, risk management, labor protection, tower crane, safety, traumatism