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  • Approaches to mining association rules for genetic fuzzy systems

    There are considered approaches to mining association rules of hybrid intelligence systems. A well-known algorithm for mining association rules is the Apriori algorithm, it can be used to process large items of quantitative values. The article presents modern methods of fuzzy data mining: with predefined membership functions, Aprior-based algorithms provide an easy way to analyze and describe the fuzzy association rules. FP-tree-based algorithms are particularly suitable to work with big data. Some types of fuzzy genetic algorithms are considered in detail, allowing to find both membership functions and fuzzy association rules.

    Keywords: genetic fuzzy systems, hybrid intelligent systems, assosiation rules, data mining, genetic fuzzy data mining

  • Model of making decisions for the development of tours around Russia

    The questions of decision-making are considered at the development of a complex tourist product, which includes places of leisure and recreation, relocations, places of residence and others. The multicriteria problem of choosing the optimal variant of the tour with the given criteria and user ratings has been set and solved. The proposed model can be used to build a decision support system for the development of tours around Russia.

    Keywords: decision theory, expert assessments, the theory of formal languages ​​and grammars, optimization, intellectual systems

  • Information modeling of decision support system for the development of tours around Russia

    The growing interest in travel around Russia and the lack of information support determine the relevance of developing decision support systems in the tourism industry. The work presents the results of information modeling of such a system that allows, based on monitoring of thematic Internet resources, to create a database of tourist sites and events, places of residence, transport routes and based on user estimates, form a completed tourist product that appropriate the requirements. The obtained models are the basis for the development of the software environment.

    Keywords: information modeling, universal modeling language UML, decision support system

  • Method of factor analysis of hierarchies

    The work is devoted to the further extension of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In its classic version, the hierarchical structure of goals, factors, criteria and alternatives is set in advance. The calculation of priorities at each level is based on the matrices of paired comparisons obtained by the expert method. The paper proposes to build a table of the hierarchy of priorities directly by using measurements carried out in the target audience. For this purpose on the basis of the primary data received by questioning, the consecutive hierarchical factorization developed earlier by authors is carried out. As a result of this procedure, the full hierarchical structure of goals, factors and criteria is revealed, starting with the primary features and ending with the integral target factor of the whole task. In addition, for each identified level determined by the matrix of factor loadings, allowing to calculate the local priorities of the factors. Their global priorities with respect to the goals defined on the basis of the principle of the synthesis of the AHP. The proposed technique is illustrated by the example of the analysis of students ' perception of the educational process, which was conducted on the basis of extensive questionnaires in 2015 in SFEDU.

    Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, a survey, a consistent hierarchical factorization, table of hierarchy of factors, local priorities, a synthesis of the AHP global priorities, the perception of the educational process

  • The development of high-rise construction in Rostov-on-Don

    The article deals with the stages, causes of origin and actual problems of high-rise construction in Rostov-on-Don. Examples of successful development of high-rise buildings in Russia and abroad are given. The problematic aspects are analyzed, possible ways of solving on the basis of the experience of other cities in the construction of unique buildings are shown.

    Keywords: high-rise construction, town-planning, skyscraper, design, architecture, number of storeys, Rostov-on-Don, development, zoning, world practice, normative and legal documentation

  • On the problem of increasing the severity of occupational injuries in machine-building enterprises of the Rostov region

    The article deals with the question of injury to the enterprise "Rostvertol" for the period from 1999 to 2010. Discusses some indicators of the status of labour conditions and safety of employees. The analysis of data on the number of injured in accidents at work by gender, age and length of service in the organization. As well as the number of injured by type of accident and by profession. Analyzed data on the number of victims for reasons that have led to an accident in the workplace. On the basis of the study there are several main reasons. Such as the unsatisfactory organization of work and production violation of labor discipline.

    Keywords: labor protection, labor conditions, injury, accident, industrial injuries, mechanical engineering enterprises mechanical contact

  • Agglomeration "Big Rostov" as a factor in the development of long-distance traffic

    Considered the location of the bus station in the urban development, its location relative to the functional areas, the design and construction stage.

    Keywords: bus stations, buses, cities "satellites", agglomeration "Bolsho Rostov", transport, infrastructure, master plan, roads

  • Research of realization of structural process with the preset value of probability of achievement of the planned level

    Article is devoted to studying of a possibility of realization of the principles of probability projection of structural production on the example of technological operation of the device of reinforced concrete walls and partitions.

    Keywords: construction, model operation, probability projection, reliability

  • Smart city technological base

    This paper describes the smart city definitions and expresses a view that smart city infrastructure consists of digital technologies and information and communication technologies. We make the point that the terms Urban Digitality, Urban Computing and Urban Informatics are used to describe smart city’s underlying digital technologies in English language scientific literature. The three-step American smart city model is analyzed. The model supposes a city to collect information about itself using sensors and other devices on the first stage. On the second stage collected data is transferred by means of wired and wireless networks to be analyzed on the third stage for better understanding of the present situation and what may happen in the future. Having found that the digital technologies of internet of things, social networks and mobility correspond to the stage of «Collect», so as the technology of cloud computing is brought into correlation with the stage of «Communicate» and, finally, that the digital technologies of big data and analytics are compared to the stage of «Crunch», we reveal the substance of smart city technological base.

    Keywords: smart city, digital economy, crucial digital technologies, information and communication technologies, three-step smart city model, cloud computing, internet of things, social networks, mobility, big data

  • Smart city digital technologies

    Smart cities development initiatives, which become the response on growing urbanization, rise the problem of smart city digital technologies study. Digital revolution grows stronger, so it makes possible to use digital information and communication technologies in city management and allows rise of life quality. The digital revolution modern stage is characterized by the technologies combination of the third digital platform which is briefly referred to as SMAC, on the first English letters of social networks, mobility, analytics and cloud computing. This paper describes IBM’s smart city model, which consists of three stages: instrumentation, interconnection and intelligence. Instrumentation means that the workings of the system are turned into data points and the system is made measurable. Interconnection means that different parts of a core system can interact with each other, turning data into information. Intelligence refers to the ability to use the created information in decision making processes. We declare that the third digital platform technologies having been correlated with the model stages could be considered as the digital technologies of a smart city.

    Keywords: information and communication technologies, smart city, smart city model, digital economy, digital technologies, cloud computing, internet of things, social networks, mobility, big data

  • The intensity of the field of a symmetrical vibrator,as elements of a focused aperture, over a broadband signal

    The article discusses the analysis of the directivity pattern of a symmetrical vibrator from a different spectrum of a broadband signal, to improve the quality of information transmission. The calculation of the directivity pattern of a symmetrical vibrator has been carried out.

    Keywords: field strenght, symmetrical vibrator, beam pattern, broadband signal

  • Organizational and technological solutions for erecting construction sites on low-bearing soils

    The article deals with the specifics of the work to strengthen the foundation. Examples of the use of synthetic materials in the construction industry are given. The sediment of the embankment at construction sites with a different index of the modulus of deformation of the synthetic material was analyzed. On the basis of the above method of production, the possibility of forecasting an algorithm for the production of a construction site under the condition of various types of soils is manifested in the purchase of operating enterprises, organizations of new enterprises, redistribution of investments in the interests of organizing and developing new products in existing production areas.

    Keywords: constructive solution, strengthening of soils, base, synthetic material, polymeric material, geotextile, mound sediment, deformation module, erection, ground

  • A study on the demand for services freelance designer building design among young people

    This article discusses current trends in the design field. The results of the pilot survey conducted in November 2017 the aim of the study was to identify demand for services freelance designer environmental spaces in the youth environment. Describes the main functional properties of a design project, revealed of style trends and color preferences; determined a reasonable time of the execution of the design project and the average price of design services in the field of building design.

    Keywords: Terehova E.V.

  • Analysis of calculation methods of multi-storey buildings on the progressive collapse

    The paper provides summary the problems of estimating high-rise buildings to a progressive collapse. The analysis of the structure of the technique for calculating the skeleton of the building for a progressive collapse is performed. Recommendations are given on the properties of reinforced concrete carcass elements for emergency actions. An imitation simulation of the emergency response using the finite element method in calculating the building frame for progressive collapse was proposed; Modeling and investigation of the stress-strain state of individual elements of the building's frame for the effect of explosive loading; modeling and investigation of resistance to the progressive collapse of the skeleton of a high-rise building; development of constructive solutions to achieve resistance to progressive collapse.

    Keywords: progressive collapse, special action, finite element method, building frame modeling, stress-strain state

  • Membrane technology is a modern solution to the problem of improving the quality of drinking water in rural areas

    It is noted that traditional technologies do not provide removal of organic substances from water, and primary chlorination leads to the formation of highly toxic halogen organic compounds in it. The perspective of using membrane technologies for water purification of surface sources based on: micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, allowing to solve the set task is shown. This was realized during the purification of the Don and Moscow rivers with the use of the biosorption-membrane method, which involves sorption on activated charcoal, biological oxidation of organic substances and filtration through the membrane. The obtained results give the basis for wide application of this method in treatment plants of small settlements, which is especially important for the south of the country, in particular, the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia.

    Keywords: микрофильтрация, ультрафильтрация, нанофильтрация, обратный осмос, ультрафильтрационные мембраны, биосорбционно-мембранный реактор, очистка природной воды, порошкообразный активный уголь, биосорбционно-мембранный метод, мембранное фильтрование