The article provides an overview of wearable devices that improve the quality of user recognition of objects of the surrounding world, reveals the process of developing an intelligent module for recognizing objects of urban infrastructure for "sound glasses" - a device designed for blind users. The functionality of the module under development, its architecture is characterized, the process and results of neural network training for object recognition are described, and an algorithm for identifying the color of traffic lights is given. The results of testing the developed software module are presented. The software module created in this work is an integral component of a fully functioning device "sound glasses", the use of which will allow people with visual disabilities to get information about events and the surrounding environment and navigate even in an unfamiliar environment.
Keywords: computer vision, neural network, smart glasses, sound glasses, visually impaired, YOLOv5, object recognition
The article describes the development of a virtual emulator of the polyvinyl chloride drying process. The development of the emulator is implemented using the Omegaland development environment. The characteristics and functional structure of the polyvinyl chloride drying process in a fluidized bed dryer are presented. Mathematical models of elements of simulated system are considered, algorithm of their operation is characterized. The steps of developing a virtual polyvinyl chloride drying simulator are described. The flowchart is assembled in the OmegaLand Visual Modeler modeling environment. The fluidized bed dryer module was developed in the integrated development environment of Microsoft Visual Studio in the C++ programming language. The developed dryer model was integrated into the Omegaland library. The developed dryer model was tested in the emulation mode of the polyvinyl chloride drying process.
Keywords: mathematical model, drying, polyvinyl chloride, Omegaland, emulator, virtual simulator, fluidized bed dryer
The results of the development of a software package are presented that allow training personnel to work in a district heating system to ensure a reliable process of energy transportation in heat networks. The developed simulator described in the article is a software package that includes a SCADA system and a Termas client for modeling and simulation operation of the district heating system. The simulator consists of a thermal-hydraulic mathematical model of the operating modes of the heating network, software and information support for setting up the operating modes of the simulator and assessing the actions of the personnel by the instructor based on the results of work on the simulator. The requirements for the functionality of the simulator are presented. The Demand Analysis application was used to collect data on energy consumption and outdoor temperature. The process of operation of the simulator in the simulation and modeling mode for the heat networks of the city of Yekaterinburg is presented. The developed software simulator makes it possible to simulate an accident, train personnel in the skills of safe equipment control in complex non-stationary modes. The software package allows you to reduce energy costs.
Keywords: training simulator, software, district heating, heating networks, SCADA system, Termis platform, model, temperature, accident
The article considers the analysis of a manual mechanized tool for rescuing victims from rubble and traffic accidents. The statistics provided by the GUOBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are given, where traffic accidents in Tyumen and the Tyumen region are displayed. The advantages and disadvantages of a mechanized rescue tool are described. A study was carried out on the modernization of rescue tools, a design for reverse sharpening of the cutting element of hand shears was proposed to prevent bending and jamming of the metal.
Keywords: power tool, hand tool, emergency, traffic accident, research
The article considers an experimental study of the stress-strain state of radial beam domes. The maximum stress values are fixed in stretched flexible elements with a peak value of 363.6 MPa. With the calculated resistance of the wire material Bp-I Rs = 410 MPa, there is a 12% load-bearing capacity margin. Note the high level of stresses in other flexible elements with values in the range from 141.4 to 274.72 MPa.
Keywords: radial beam dome, experimental studies, loading, strain gages, deformation
The problem of data transformation in which calculations are carried out in parallel streams is considered. The goal is to draw up such a plan for the parallel assignment of data by performers, in which the conditions of validity, reliability, redundancy and adequacy of data suitable for further analysis will be satisfied. At the same time, taking into account the desire to complete data conversion cycles in the shortest possible time. The use of transport-type models is proposed for the solution. In contrast to two-dimensional minimax models by the criterion of time, the possibility of transformation of information is considered, both at source points and at destination points. The proposed model allows you to take into account the time of data delivery between processing sites. The influence of possible rules for moving information packets through intermediate points on the final value of the management quality indicator is shown.
Keywords: information chains, transport task, minimum time criterion, processing costs, data reliability
This article proposes a way to automate work on the development of the construction schedule (CP) based on BIM-model. As an example we used the project of an oil well pad developed by VolgaTEKengineering LLC in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 2019.
Keywords: construction, building information modeling, BIM, 3D, 4D, 5D, schedule, estimate
The algorithm of the project development for the preservation of the cultural heritage object is considered. Recommendations are given for carrying out work on the preservation of the ruined temple for the possibility of its further restoration. A real example of a survey of an object of regional significance "Church of Archangel Michael" (Belgorod region, Valuysky district, village of Podgornoye) is given.
Keywords: conservation, object of cultural significance, survey, building structures, ruined temple
The article presents the results of experimental studies. The optimal time of dispersion of the mixing water together with the nano-additive has been determined. The results of experiments to determine the effect of carbon nanotubes and plasticizer on fine-grained concrete are also presented. Strength characteristics were determined for the studied compositions. Based on the data obtained, the effect of the dispersion time was determined, as well as the effect of the combined use of the SikaVC 5-500 plasticizer and carbon nanotubes "Taunit-M".
Keywords: fine-grained concrete, carbon nanotubes, ultrasonic dispersion, plasticizer
In the Russian Federation, there are settlements that can only be reached by special equipment: swamp walkers, SUVs. Permanent access to such settlements is hindered by swamps, rivers, etc. Temporary winter roads "autozymniki" are laid to such settlements in winter. The construction of "autozymers" includes several stages: the preparatory stage, the main stage of construction, operation of the autozymer and disposal. If a temporary winter road passes through swamps, then it is advisable to push such soils with tractors with widened tracks or tracked tractors. The article proposes the design of a articulated pneumatic roller for the construction of winter highways, and also carried out a design calculation including: calculation of resistance to movement, hydraulic calculation, selection of hydraulic equipment.
Keywords: winter road, machinery, automobile winter road, pneumatic roller, washing of swampy grounds, calculation
In the article the authors consider the influence of development institutions on the formation of the knowledge economy, it is proposed to evaluate their quality in the form of an index of institutional development. A method of evaluation based on objective indicators is proposed. A model for ranking regions is presented, including the calculation of indicators, on the basis of which a comprehensive integral assessment of the index of regional institutional development is carried out.
Keywords: knowledge economy, regional economy, innovation economy, innovation activity, socio-economic development, institutional infrastructure
This paper describes the process of developing machine learning models for predicting problem states. The formation of decision support systems in problem situations is based on the using of ensemble methods of machine learning: bagging, boosting and stacking. The algorithms of undersampling and oversampling is applied for improving the quality of the models. Using of complex machine learning models reduces the ability to explain the result obtained, therefore various ways of interpreting the constructed models are given. Based on the results of the study, a method for predicting problem states was formed. This approach contributes to the gradual solution of the identified problem situation and the consistent achievement of the goal.
Keywords: machine learning, bagging, boosting, stacking, problem states, data balancing, shap-values
A comparative analysis of the possibilities of using woven composite materials with specified sensory properties as information and measurement systems of the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is presented. It is proposed to consider such woven sensor systems as a basis for building a network interaction environment for components of wireless wearable sensor networks, as well as systems for monitoring the stress-strain state of products made of woven composite materials. To impart sensory qualities to such multilayer 3D fabrics at the stage of their development, it is proposed to modify their structure by introducing threads, on the one hand, having the properties necessary for the formation of data transmission channels, and on the other, being piezoelectric sensors, whose signals allow monitoring the dynamics of changes in the stress-strain state of a woven composite material.The release of a functionally augmented 3D fabric in this way opens up real prospects for conducting a full-scale experiment to study the sensory properties of spatially extended products made of woven composite materials.
Keywords: Wireless Body Area Networks, fabric sensors, textile sensors, Sensor Networks, E-textiles, Smart fabrics, woven composite materials, sensor data acquisition, Internet of Things
The article discusses the production and use of environmentally friendly fuel - pellets. A review of the designs of mobile pellet production plants was carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of these designs were identified. Potential consumers of pellets and equipment (heating boilers for which pellets are the fuel) are considered. A mobile complex for the production of pellets on the chassis of the MSN-10-004-03 . The technology of pellet production using a mobile mobile installation is described.
Keywords: pellets, mobile plant, design, biofuels, production technology
The article compares the principles of architectural designing industrial enterprises, which were fixed in the 70s - 80s of the twentieth century, and modern ones associated with changes in socio–economic relations in the XXI century. The specifics of the approach to the architectural design of large and small enterprises are described. Special attention is paid to the influence of economic factors on the industrial architecture of small enterprises, the importance of the time factor. The most acute problems that arise today in the architectural design of small enterprises are identified, and ways to solve them are proposed. A new functional element of the general plan of an industrial enterprise is described - the "development zone".
Keywords: Iidustrial architecture, principles of architectural design, functional zoning, "flexible" planning solutions