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  • The use of automated systems to improve the quality of metrological support of measuring instruments

    This article discusses the automation of metrological ensure at manufacturing enterprises and in metrological laboratories with a special focus on innovative technologies, including the introduction of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems) and the use of calibrator standards. The functioning of automated measuring systems that implement pre-established algorithms for control and testing measuring instruments is considered. An analysis of existing solutions on both the domestic and foreign markets was carried out. In particular, the focus is on a meter designed for testing integrated circuits. The possibility of integrating these measuring systems with software at various levels is discussed, as well as the prospects for their use in mass calibration of measuring instruments. The use of automated measuring systems can significantly speed up the calibration process, eliminating the need for manual voltage regulation and thereby minimizing the influence of the human factor on the accuracy of measurements. The adaptive capabilities of the software are discussed, which allows the system to be used for various types of measuring instruments, such as ammeters and ohmmeters. The findings confirm that automation of calibration processes not only significantly speeds up this operations, but also ensures strict adherence to all procedures, which helps improve the quality and reliability of the resulting measurements.

    Keywords: Measuring systems, verification, calibration, measuring instruments, , automation, voltmeter, verification procedure

  • Architectural aspects of classification of small-scale energy facilities in the urban environment

    The article studies the peculiarities of architecture of enterprises and small-scale energy facilities in the urban environment. A number of problems arising in the interaction of small-scale energy facilities with urban development and their placement in the urban space are described. The prerequisites of architectural and spatial classification of small-scale energy facilities are emphasized. Classification of types of small-scale energy facilities by functional, urban planning, volume-spatial and compositional features is proposed. The requirements to the architecture of small-scale energy objects and their integration into the architectural and spatial context at the present stage are formed. The identified requirements and types of small-scale energy objects create a methodological basis for the formation of adaptive approaches and promising directions for the harmonization of these objects in the structure of urban spaces.

    Keywords: architecture, small-scale energy facilities, urban environment, integration, harmonization, classification features

  • Construction of metal corrugated pipes in the presence of permafrost soils

    The article deals with the issues of assessing the effectiveness of the construction and operation of metal corrugated pipes. The characteristic features and difficulties of the operation of corrugated metal culverts in areas of permafrost distribution are revealed. The characteristics of the main defects of culverts are systematized. The features of thermophysical calculations of metal corrugated pipes on a frozen base are analyzed in detail. Recommendations are given on the application of the most effective technical solutions in the construction of corrugated metal culverts on permafrost soils.

    Keywords: highway, culverts, metal corrugated pipes, thermal conductivity, permafrost soils

  • The concept and architecture of the platform for the implementation of system notation for the design of architectural diagrams

    The article deals with the problems of communication between the customer and the development team in the process of designing information systems. Based on the identified shortcomings of existing solutions, a conclusion is made about the need to develop a new approach and means of its implementation. The paper sets the task of developing a common model for the interaction of subjects using a single platform. The article describes the concept and modular architecture of the platform for implementing the system notation for designing architectural schemes. The modules of such a platform and its general functionality are considered.

    Keywords: information system, life cycle, developer, end user, architectural scheme, basic abstraction, subject area, systems design

  • Implementation of the method for data insertion procedure constructing in structure-independent databases

    The paper issues a technique for constructing effective data insertion procedures in structure-independent databases that uses the activity approach. The essence of this technique is to present the procedure in the form of an action mechanism that allows its semantics to be opened, thereby minimizing the number of identical same meaning characteristics. The use of the technique for data insertion procedures constructing into structure-independent databases, as well as the use of a NoSQL DBMS that is homogeneous in structure to structure-independent databases made it possible to significantly improve performance. You can judge it from the computational experiment which is performed in the work.

    Keywords: data insertion procedure, structure-independent database, activity approach, technique, action mechanism, semantics, experiment, performance