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  • Comparative analysis of modeling of design schemes with monolithic ribbed slab using BIM-technologies

    The article is based on modelling several variants of information diagrams of a corrugated monolithic ceiling of an industrial building. The information model has been transformed into an analytical model. The comparative analysis of all calculation models was carried out visually and in numerical aspect. The efficiency of BIM-technologies in design with the application of software complexes «Renga», «CAPFIRR-3D» and «LIRA-CAD» is also considered in the calculation and construction section. The comparative analysis of three variants of the joints of the beams and the slab of the covering was carried out. The analysis of the stress-distorted state of the calculation circuit was also performed.

    Keywords: ribbed slab, industrial building, design of buildings and structures, BIM-technologies, calculation scheme, information model, rigid insert, stress-strain state, finite element method