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  • The effect of corrosion and methods of protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

    In this article, we examined the permeability of concrete and the effect of corrosion processes on the durability and reliability of reinforced concrete structures. Attention is paid not only to the causes and mechanisms of corrosion, but also modern methods and strategies for protecting concrete and reinforced concrete structures from it are provided, aimed at extending their service life and ensuring operational safety. This knowledge will allow engineers and builders to plan and implement projects more efficiently, reducing the risks and economic losses associated with corrosion processes.

    Keywords: corrosion of concrete, corrosion of steel reinforcement, permeability, reinforced concrete, durability, strength, reliability

  • Mechanical properties of slurry infiltrated fiber concrete

    The modern building material, slurry infiltrated fiber concrete - SIFCON, has not only high compressive and tensile strength, but also flexibility and ductility. These properties allow it to be used in nodes of building structures that perceive dynamic, shock, explosive loads, friction, as well as in the area of penetration of reinforced concrete slabs by columns. The paper describes experimental studies of the mechanical properties of samples from ordinary concrete and SIFCON. A comparison of the test results showed the superiority of SIFCON strength indicators over ordinary concrete by 2-4 times. For a wide range of specialists and students in the field of construction design, production of building materials.

    Keywords: slurry infiltrated fiber concrete, steel fibers, cement mortar, flexibility, plasticity, energy absorption, water-cement ratio, superplasticizer, compressive strength, bending strength, splitting strength

  • Reinforcement with composite materials to protect the reinforced concrete slab–column from pushing through the node

    Reinforced concrete flat slabs continue to be one of the most popular floor systems due to the speed of construction and their inherent flexibility in the layout of the premises. However, flat, non-rigid floors are subject to brittle fracture at the junction of the slab and column, which can spread and lead to the progressive collapse of a larger segment of the structural system. The lack of shear strength in two directions may be due to design errors, insufficient strength of the material, or overload.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete slab, punching, transverse reinforcement, fiberglass, carbon fiber

  • The work of reinforced concrete slabs during pressing

    This article discusses the results of studies of the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs during punching. The parameters affecting the shear strength of the joints of columns and slabs are considered. Studies of the influence of the strength of concrete, the location of reinforcement, the reinforcement coefficient, the shape and size of the column are given. Various types of reinforcement of reinforced concrete slabs in the punching zone are presented.

    Keywords: floor slab, column, punching, shear, bending, transverse reinforcement, dowel action