The main target of sales policy in a competitive environment is customer funnel and customer loyalty. Sales approach involves encouragement of customers, vendors and business partners. Advertising is a means of a sales activity. While determining the most efficient way of distributing expenses for the purpose of advertising, it makes economic sense to use mathematical methods of programming and statistic analysis of target audience. It is able during the analysis to determine the most efficient time and location for ad placement, possible target audience and its income level. A method of calculating should be selected in order to gain more profit and incur less expenses. This is Fore and Malgrange method which allows to do so. Benefit of this method is optimality test in the process of decision making. Keywords: merchandising, advertising, sales, profit-making organization, sales approach, radio advertising, profit maximization.
Keywords: sales promotion, advertising, sales, social - demographic preferences, effective planning, profit maximization, the method Fore-Malgrange