A method for the synthesis of the trajectory of the manipulator motion mechanism, based on the use of the field, set permissions configuration in the space of generalized coordinates. Investigated compliance with the provisions of points in space, and the output level of the configuration space.
Keywords: synthesis robot, configuration space, restricted areas, intelligent robot control system
Studied mobility planar four-link mechanism of the manipulator in a predetermined area of the workspace. A method for determining the maximum rates for selected destinations for the mechanisms of manipulators with motor redundancy.
Keywords: own properties mechanisms manipulators, mobility manipulators, robots for the synthesis of movement velocity vector
Explored the area of space of configurations, defining a set of accessible points of the working area of the manipulator with the position of forbidden zones. For the analytical determination areas used theory of sets and a set of second-order surfaces.
Keywords: synthesis of movement of the robot, the configuration space, restricted areas, intelligent robot control system