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  • Features of operation of information and measurement systems in gas transportation

    This article reveals the features of the operation of information and measuring systems during gas transportation. The issues reflected in the article are particularly relevant in the context of the need to achieve the efficiency of information and measuring systems in the oil and gas industry. The purpose of the scientific research is to develop an approach to information and measuring systems in oil and gas organizations based on the digital twin model. To achieve this goal, the article analyzes practical cases of information and measuring systems in oil and gas organizations, reflects the features of certification of information and measuring systems used in oil and gas organizations, and presents the results of developing an approach to information and measuring systems in oil and gas organizations based on the digital twin model.

    Keywords: information and measuring systems; oil and gas industry; certification; digital twin model; gas transportation; approach; work efficiency

  • Study of the reliability of an oil pipeline operated in extreme conditions of the Far North

    Reliable and safe operation of oil and gas pipelines in the conditions of the Far North and Siberia is an urgent task facing the Russian Federation. It has the most important economic and strategic importance. The climatic and geological conditions of these regions suggest a high degree of risk associated largely with seasonal temperature fluctuations and oil pumping technologies, leading to freezing or thawing of the soil, the appearance of thawed permafrost waters. The purpose of our study was to analyze the influence of extreme natural and operational conditions on the design and spatial position of pipelines during the operation of the section of the CPS-2 - NPS Urengoyskaya highway. It was found out that the studied section of the oil pipeline has a predisposition to failures due to unfavorable conditions: meltwater, heaving soils, swampy territory. Technological calculations allowed us to conclude that at this stage the pipeline route meets all the conditions of strength and stability, i.e. the reliability of the pipeline is ensured.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, pipeline, melt water, underground laying, strength calculation, stability calculation, permafrost soils, spatial location

  • Analysis of corrosion damage on underground steel gas pipelines.

    A large number of pipelines are designed and constructed using steel pipes. The article analyzes statistical data on the corrosion damage of underground steel gas pipelines. The main failures occur in the areas where the insulation is damaged. During operation, the main focus is on controlling the condition of the pipelines' corrosion protection. In addition, it is important to inspect the pipeline route to analyze the condition of its surface. The analysis of underground gas pipeline damage revealed that the majority of corrosion malfunctions are found in pipelines that are 35–40 years old. Therefore, special attention should be paid to pipes that have been in operation for a long time when managing underground gas pipelines. Operational experience has shown that the majority of faults occur in gas networks with a pipe diameter of 100 mm. Moreover, the article presents an analysis of damage to underground gas pipelines, which found that the greatest amount of damage occurs on pipes laid at a depth of 1.5–1.8 meters. This is due to the increased soil moisture at the specified depth, which contributes to the occurrence of corrosion.

    Keywords: operation of underground steel gas pipelines, corrosion damage, protection of underground gas pipelines from corrosion

  • Determination of stability criteria for the round cross-section of polyethylene gas pipelines

    Polyethylene pipes are widely used for the construction of gas distribution networks. The disadvantage of pipes is their low mechanical strength. When crossing various artificial obstacles in pipes, unacceptable stresses may arise, causing destruction along the pipe body. To make a decision on the installation of a casing in such areas, it is necessary to determine the stability criteria for the circular cross-section of polyethylene gas pipelines. The article reveals that of the two equations proposed by SP 42-103-2003 for the critical value of external pressure of polyethylene gas pipelines, in practice only one can be used, for which the criterion value is always minimal.

    Keywords: polyethylene gas pipelines, dynamic load, stability of the circular cross-section, external pressure

  • Construction of a tank farm of petroleum products and determination of the design characteristics of the collapse

    This article defines the necessary characteristics of the collapse of a group of 10 vertical steel tanks with volumes of 15,000 and 20,000 m3

    Keywords: oil industry, petroleum products, accidents, vertical steel tanks, collapse

  • Prospects for the use of reinforced polymer pipelines in the creation of oil pipeline systems in the field

    The problem of ensuring trouble-free operation of field pipelines is becoming more and more urgent from year to year. The development of deposits in areas with difficult natural and climatic conditions (the Far North, Western Siberia) requires a new approach to improving the reliability of pipeline systems. Along with the search for new technologies in construction and operation, the use of modern composite materials in the production of pipes is a primary task. Analysis of the causes of failures of field pipelines in the permafrost zone allowed us to identify the main ones: corrosion, water hammer, loss of stability as a result of frost heaving of soils. Comparative calculations of steel and fiberglass pipelines allow us to recommend the latter as an alternative to metal pipelines, because they have better corrosion and abrasive resistance, low roughness and thermal conductivity, high ductility and manufacturability.

    Keywords: field pipeline, fiberglass, analysis, reliability, permafrost, corrosion, water hammer, loss of stable position, frost heaving

  • Assessment of structural strength during the construction of vertical steel storage tanks for petroleum products

    In this article, the calculation and evaluation of building structures of vertical steel tanks, which are subjected to various loads, is carried out.

    Keywords: oil industry, petroleum products, accidents, vertical steel tanks, load

  • Determination of seismic load when exposed to aboveground steel gas pipelines

    The article considers the influence of seismic load with different ballistics on aboveground steel gas pipelines of various diameters in areas of possible earthquakes. The change in the proportion of seismic load to the total load acting on gas pipelines during operation is investigated.

    Keywords: seismic activity, loads on gas pipelines, analysis of seismic activity, degree of seismic hazard

  • The use of a foundation with a grillage for the construction of a vertical steel tank in seismically active areas

    Today, the Russian Federation is among the three leaders in oil production among all countries of the world. This mineral makes up the bulk of our country's exports. The main part of the reserves of "black gold" in our country is concentrated in regions with special climatic and geological conditions (areas of permafrost and seismic activity). This article discusses measures to protect structures from seismic impacts.

    Keywords: earthquakes, construction, seismic activity, oil, seismic protection, petroleum products, structures, mining, vertical steel tank

  • Investigation of the range of stable operation of regulators FL 200A N 300+TR in hydraulic fracturing No. 4 of Volgograd

    The work of the FL200AN300+TR regulators installed in the hydraulic fracturing plant No. 4 in Volgograd is considered. The results of calculations of the throughput capacity of pressure regulators are presented. The range of their stable operation is determined on the basis of archival data of the gas flow metering unit. It was revealed that not all outlets provide stable operation of pressure regulators with minimal gas consumption.

    Keywords: head gas control point, pressure regulator, throughput, range of stable operation

  • Features of construction of vertical steel tanks of large capacity for storage of petroleum products in special climatic conditions

    The Russian Federation is one of the leaders in the production and processing of oil, gas and petroleum products. Literally 100 years ago, mankind did not know how to properly, and most importantly carefully, store petroleum products. The construction of vertical steel tanks is different from the construction of ordinary (civil) buildings and structures. The specifics of the construction of reservoirs are discussed in this article.

    Keywords: foundation, reservoir, oil, petroleum products, construction, frost heaving, permafrost, installation

  • Comparative analysis of the stability of steel and polymer pipelines to seismic impact

    The seismic activity of the zones through which the pipelines are laid has always caused serious concern. The analysis of emergency situations on pipeline systems caused by an earthquake revealed factors affecting their stability: longitudinal and transverse displacement of the soil, the effect of soil liquefaction, faults resulting in open cracks and shear deformations. To prevent damage to pipelines during seismic impact, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the impact on the pipeline structure, the required level of safety for this seismic impact. Currently, special attention is paid to structural solutions and materials from which pipelines are made. The conducted studies allow us to form an approach to assessing the operability of polyethylene and steel pipelines in earthquake-prone areas, and on the basis of a comparative analysis of their stability, to make recommendations on the use of pipelines under specified conditions.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, analysis, pipeline, reliability, seismic impact, deformation, composite materials

  • Construction of pipelines in permafrost conditions"

    The article discusses the features of pipeline construction in permafrost conditions. Classical technical methods of design and construction are economically unprofitable. It is necessary to introduce new design solutions that can significantly reduce the anthropogenic impact of the pipeline on permafrost soil with a minimum of construction and subsequent operation costs.

    Keywords: pipelines, permafrost, special supports, thermal insulation of the pipeline, thermal stabilization