The article discusses methodological approaches to assessing the quality of work projects (WPP). Based on an analytical review of modern scientific articles and regulatory documentation, it is shown that PPR is subject to a significant amount of uncoordinated requirements, both in terms of content and the availability of approvals for various conditions of construction sites. At the same time, projects are increasingly of a formal nature, the quality of technological solutions is decreasing, and third-party developers, so-called freelancers, are involved in their preparation. In this regard, the goal of the research work is formulated in the form of developing a methodology for analyzing the quality of PPR. Based on the analysis of various methodological approaches, it was established that it should be based on the assessment of various indicators obtained from projects drawn up for the conditions of specific construction sites, design features of buildings and structures being erected, etc. It is shown that the assessment of PPR should be carried out on the basis of a single, measurable, comprehensive criterion, which includes the following factors: ensuring safe working conditions at the construction site and the integrated safety of construction processes for the surrounding buildings; compliance with technological discipline requirements; compliance of the technology used with the specific conditions of the construction site; sufficient completeness of the project, completed on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents. It is proposed to translate qualitative information characterizing these factors into quantifiable indicators based on their analysis using general definition tables.
Keywords: organizational and technological documentation, work project, quality, efficiency, general definition tables, incoming documentation control
The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the fact that currently there is no linking of the calendar plan to the schedule for the development of capital investments. The principle of constructing a schedule for the development of capital investments is proposed, which ensures the uniformity and proportionality of the use of financial resources. Schedules for the development of capital investments are constructed, each schedule for the development of capital investments corresponds to an image describing the change in the absolute value of the profitability of the investment and construction project. The use of a mathematical apparatus describing the movement of a material point can be used in the development of investment schedules and calendar plans for construction. The construction of construction schedules in the section of the construction organization project based on investment schedules will have a significant impact on the economic efficiency of investment projects.
Keywords: construction schedule, investments, return on investment, development of capital investments, duration of construction, efficiency of capital investments
The article synthesizes several approaches to the development of the social environment of neighborhoods and clusters, taking into account scientific developments in assessing the potential of territories in terms of building density, number of floors and capacity saturation of schools, preschool institutions and production areas. Options for implementing the strategy are outlined based on multi-product models for calculating capacity and scientific and production potential for the development of territories.
Keywords: cluster, quarter, region, potential, strategic planning, production capacity, multi-product models, building density, schematic map, optimization
Girderless ceilings have become particularly popular in the construction of civil buildings. However, it is often necessary to reconstruct them, namely, to strengthen the joint of the plate with the column. Both domestic and foreign researchers deal with the issues of punching. This scientific article is devoted to the study of the method of strengthening reinforced concrete floor slabs by adding transverse reinforcement.
Keywords: floor plate, punching, transverse reinforcement, reinforcement
Reliable and safe operation of oil and gas pipelines in the conditions of the Far North and Siberia is an urgent task facing the Russian Federation. It has the most important economic and strategic importance. The climatic and geological conditions of these regions suggest a high degree of risk associated largely with seasonal temperature fluctuations and oil pumping technologies, leading to freezing or thawing of the soil, the appearance of thawed permafrost waters. The purpose of our study was to analyze the influence of extreme natural and operational conditions on the design and spatial position of pipelines during the operation of the section of the CPS-2 - NPS Urengoyskaya highway. It was found out that the studied section of the oil pipeline has a predisposition to failures due to unfavorable conditions: meltwater, heaving soils, swampy territory. Technological calculations allowed us to conclude that at this stage the pipeline route meets all the conditions of strength and stability, i.e. the reliability of the pipeline is ensured.
Keywords: hydrocarbons, pipeline, melt water, underground laying, strength calculation, stability calculation, permafrost soils, spatial location
Information technologies and systems are a promising tool for solving a wide variety of problems in the development and implementation of construction projects at the present stage. Their active use makes it possible to reduce the cost and time of project implementation, as well as improve the quality of work performed by creating a modern and effective construction control system.
Keywords: information technology, digital building model, information modeling, design, construction process
The article on the design of student campuses is necessary in order to help architects and builders create a comfortable and convenient environment for students to live and study. It carries the main idea that when creating student campuses, it is necessary to take into account not only the social, psychological and cultural characteristics of student life, but also functional aspects. The campus should become not just a place to live and study, but a real community where students can find support and interact with each other, developing their skills and passions. In addition, the article allows you to better understand what new technologies and trends can be applied in the design of modern university campuses to make them even more convenient, innovative and environmentally friendly
Keywords: design, student campus, student dormitory, energy efficiency, landscaping, construction, self-sufficiency, materials, architectural solutions
The current legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents defining the requirements for the organization of the customer's activities are considered in the work. A review of studies with different approaches to the formation of organizational structures of the customer, depending on the types of construction, their volumes and features of objects, is carried out. The factors determining the requirements for the formation of organizational structures of the customer for various objects are highlighted.
Keywords: construction organization, technical customer, organizational structure, construction control, project approach
Capital construction projects include buildings and structures whose construction has not been completed. Currently, in the construction market, software developers offer more than 160 variants of construction information models (hereinafter BIM-model) for a complex cycle of building construction systems. BIM in design is not only a tool that supports modern technologies for investment and implementation of construction projects. Using BIM technology that analyzes the schedule of disbursement of funds and deadlines for the current dates, it is more convenient to control investment projects. It becomes possible to carry out electronic document management at all stages of the project cycle, launch digital construction control, add and adjust model attributes.
Keywords: information model, terms of reference, capital construction object, organizational and technological solution, BIM model, model element, monolithic structure, construction project implementation
The study is aimed at studying the corrosion processes of a metal waterstop inside technological seams in order to ensure its tightness and maintain performance qualities, since if corrosion occurs, the waterstop may lose its functional properties, which can lead to groundwater leaks. At the moment, there is no single source containing a complete set of information on corrosion processes in relation to metal waterstops, which leads to design errors, since it is extremely difficult to make the correct choice of metal waterstops, because it is impossible to analyze data and determine the parameters that determine the corrosion rate of metal waterstops in the technological concreting seam, it is necessary to take into account a large number of parameters related to the study of groundwater.
Keywords: waterproofing, technological seam, metal waterstop, corrosion processes, concrete, waterproofing system, ground water, carbonization, galvanized waterstops, copper waterstops, stainless steel waterstops
Often in practice, construction times are estimated using deterministic methods, for example, based on a network schedule of the construction plan with deterministic values for the timing of specific works. This approach does not reflect the reality associated with the probabilistic nature of risks and leads to a systematic underestimation of the time and, as a consequence, the cost of construction. The research proposes to use a Markov discrete heterogeneous Markov chain to assess the risks of non-completion of construction in due time. The states of the Markov process are proposed to correspond to the stages of construction of the object. Probabilities of system transitions from state to state are proposed to be estimated on the basis of empirical data on previously implemented projects and/or expertly, taking into account the risks characterising construction conditions in dynamics. The dynamic model of the construction plan development allows to determine such characteristics as: the probability of the construction plan realisation within the established terms, the probability that the object will ever be completed, the time of construction to the stage of completion with a given degree of reliability; unconditional probabilities of the system states (construction stage) in a given period of time relative to the beginning of construction. The model has been tested. The proposed model allows us to estimate the time of completion of construction, to assess the risks of failure to complete construction within the established deadlines in the planned conditions of construction realisation, taking into account the dynamics of risks.
Keywords: construction time, risk assessment, markov model, discrete Markov chain, inhomogeneous random process
By conducting a construction and technical expertise on the inspection of building structures and identifying several signs that can lead to their destruction, it is possible to identify a defect in which the destruction and accident of the structure under study is most likely to occur. It is proposed to use a Bayesian approach to evaluating the effectiveness of methods for determining defects affecting structural failure. The use of knowledge on the inspection and testing of building structures of buildings and structures is to determine the degree of relationship between the possible destruction of a building structure and its inspection, based on methods developed in the theory of reliability of technical systems. Based on the results of mathematical determination of the degree of malfunction, it is possible to more objectively assess the effectiveness of the method used to check the condition of the building structure. The method of using construction and technical knowledge to determine the technical condition of structures in an emergency state, in relation to the use of the Bayes formula, is considered. According to the proposed methodology, examples of determining the defect and the degree of destruction of building structures are given.
Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic methods, wear, efficiency
Factors affecting the limited mineral resources of the planet and requiring the expansion of the raw material base of the construction industry are considered. The negative impact of overburden dumps on the ecological state of the habitat was noted. The importance of their processing into a useful product was emphasized in connection with the need to implement the industry program of the Russian Federation ""Involvement of overburden and containing rocks classified as production waste in economic circulation for 2022-2030."" The properties of sand and opoka as raw materials for making foam concrete were analyzed. The result of the analysis made it possible to formulate a list of restrictions, as a result of which it is undesirable to use opoku in concrete of a cast-in-place structure and a list of reasons, based on which it is possible to predict the feasibility of its use in foam concrete. The results of experimental studies are presented, reflecting the influence of the individual properties of sand and opoka on the density of foam concrete mixtures, the density of solidified foam concrete and the kinetics of their plastic strength during three hours of hardening from which it follows that replacing sand with opoka allows significantly improving the technological properties of foam concrete mixtures without compromising the achievement of their design density. It follows from the analysis of experimental data that the structural features of the foam concrete mixtures have a positive effect on the technological properties of foam concrete mixtures, which accelerate the gain of plastic strength of foam concrete mixtures after their placement into molds. The most important reason for the achieved result should be considered mesopores located in the volume of dispersed particles of aggregate from opoka. The established scientific facts make it possible to predict the expanded use of overburden rock - opoki in order to save resources in the construction industry and construction.
Keywords: resource saving, sand, opoka, foam concrete mixture, plastic strength
This article reveals a number of examples of the features of the construction of the base of a gravity offshore platform used for the extraction of hydrocarbons. The design of the reinforced concrete base of the platform in the form of a "monopod" consisting of 8 lower cylindrical tanks and a vertical reinforced concrete support with a length of 95 m is considered. Reinforcement of the entire structure was carried out by pre-tensioning reinforcement ropes on the hardened concrete in height by mechanical means. During the construction of the gravity foundation, new compositions of heavy high-strength modified concretes with the use of microsilicon and nanocarbon additives were used. During the construction process, adjustable formwork was used along the entire height of the structure.
Keywords: gravity platform base, monopod, pre-tension on concrete, high-strength modified concrete, towing, positioning
The article is devoted to the issues of optimizing the process of technical inspection of buildings and structures damaged as a result of emergency situations, using the most modern information systems and technologies. The difficulty in carrying out work on the inspection of buildings damaged as a result of natural and man-made emergencies necessitates the search for effective organizational and technological solutions in order to reduce the time required to carry out work on the inspection of buildings and structures without losing the quality and accuracy of the studies, as well as to create safe working conditions for specialists during work.
Keywords: technical inspection, emergency situation, digital building model, ground penetrating radar sensing, information technology, geographic information technology
The article views the process of preparing territories damaged by the war for housing stock restoration and it describes the main measures that need to be carried out in the damaged neighborhoods, depending on their degree of damage. These activities in the article are divided into two groups: the first for moderately damaged quarters, and the second for severely damaged quarters. The works from the first group are somewhat different from the ones in the second. For example, the decision to restore moderately damaged quarters requires temporary strenghtning and temporary protection of damaged buildings, while in severely damaged quarters, demolition of all buildings is required. In addition, the quantity of work in the second group is larger compared to the quantity in the first due to the need to demolish all buildings, dismantle all outdoor networks and lay new ones. However, the advantages of constructing works in these quarters are that it is possible to speed up the work due to the variety of implementation methods and the equipment that can be used.
Keywords: post-conflict reconstruction, demining of territories, preparatory works, technical condition of damaged buildings
The paper presents the results of a study, the purpose of which was to automate the process of designing ventilation for a residential construction project. The ventilation system is one of the most complex life support systems of a building, which has a significant impact on the level of comfort of residents. Automation of the design of such a system will reduce the number of errors, reduce the time and labor required for design. During the study, the design process was considered as a business process consisting of individual works. When modeling this process in the “As Is” notation, the connection of the ventilation system with other engineering systems and a number of other important factors were taken into account. In the process model, the most time-consuming and, at the same time, algorithmizable works were identified. Subsequently, these works were automated using code created in the Visual Studio environment in C#. This made it possible to reduce the number of errors and reduce the time spent on creating a ventilation system project.
Keywords: automation, design, ventilation system, business process, Visual Studio
The problem of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of construction production is considered. The problematic nature of such a procedure is noted, due to the fact that construction production is a multifactorial process in which a large number of material, financial and labor resources are used, with different units of measurement. It is proposed to consider the complex indicator "Integral indicator of the quality of construction production" based on the transformed Harrington desirability function, which allows taking into account many factors having different-sized controlled parameters.
Keywords: quality of construction production, integral index of construction quality, quality coefficient, generalized utility function, Harrington desirability function
The article presents the results of a survey of two industrial buildings, conclusions about their emergency technical condition and the inexpediency of restoration. Modern methods of demolition and dismantling of buildings in the cramped conditions of the existing urban development are analyzed. The main technologies of recycling dismantling and disposal of construction waste generated during the dismantling of buildings are considered: "smart demolition" and the technology of piecemeal disassembly of buildings with the reuse of materials, products and structures. Comparing the two methods of recycling dismantling for application to the objects under consideration, it is concluded that the first method of "smart demolition" implies the destruction of all building structures, while the second is more rational in terms of resource conservation and economic efficiency by reuse of serviceable structures. The technology of piecemeal disassembly of buildings with the reuse of structures requires the development of regulatory, organizational and marketing measures.
Keywords: building inspection, demolition, dismantling, dismantling methods, smart demolition, recycling dismantling, reuse of structures
This article reveals a number of examples of the introduction of new technologies in construction for the implementation of new high-tech projects. Some aspects of the technology of construction of marine gravity bases for technological lines for the liquefaction of natural gas and stable gas condensate are considered. During the construction of the gravity foundation, new compositions of heavy, high-strength modified and light concrete were used, as well as the tension of reinforcing ropes on hardened concrete. During the construction process, inventory panel changeable and sliding formwork was used for various structures of complex configuration.
Keywords: gravity type base, liquefied natural gas, post-tension, high-strength modified concrete, floating offshore structures
The paper analyzes and shows the inadequacy of the technology for repairing production wells by rolling out a corrugated metal patch with a dornating device, which consists in premature violation of the tightness of the well due to low strength of the connection. A technology and a hydromechanical device for additional fastening by radial extrusion of spherical cavities in the metal of the plaster are proposed. As a result, a drag force is generated in the cross-section of the fastener, which prevents shear loads from axial forces. Strength calculations have shown that for better performance of the metal patch, it is advisable to increase the shear resistance force by increasing the number of punches or technological transitions of fastening.
Keywords: casing, production string, well tightness, metal plaster, radial extrusion, strength
The article discusses the features of the development of projects for the production of works during the construction of pile foundations from factory elements in urban conditions. It is shown that in such conditions, projects should contain technological solutions that ensure the safety of residents and the surrounding development. Based on the analysis of regulatory literature and work experience, the main guidelines and measures that should be developed in detail and presented in the PPR are presented. The methodology is justified in the form of an algorithm that allows you to develop PPR taking into account the specifics of the construction site, ensuring the quality of work and the safety of the surrounding development. Recommendations are given on the development of a technological map for the pressing of piles with modern installations equipped with lifting structures. Approaches to the assignment of penetrations and parameters of hazardous areas arising during operation.
Keywords: technology, pile foundations, indentation, organizational and technological documentation, work project, technological map. cramped conditions, danger zone, indentation installation
This article analyzes the assessment of the signs leading to the possible destruction of the investigated building structure. Using the mathematical basis for diagnosing the destruction of a building structure, it is possible to determine how the signs that affect the destruction of the structure or their groups affect the determination of the degree of destruction. Applying the Bayesian approach to determining the degree of malfunction of a building structure and its destruction, a comparison of the probability of destruction of each investigated building structure is given. It was found out how the calculated probability of each structural failure was affected by the presence of each feature and what contribution to the increase or decrease in the probability of an accident was made by the analyzed feature affecting the destruction of the structure. It is proposed to use artificial, model destruction of building structures to determine the influence of various factors on determining the degree of destruction, so to speak, in its pure form and in various variants. In addition, you can get test cases to test the effectiveness of various diagnostic methods and find out a number of theoretical questions. Considering this, and the other goals listed above, models were built. An assessment of the influence of a feature that affects the probability of destruction of a building structure in one of many ways is shown. According to the proposed methods, the values of the sign affecting the destruction for the structure are determined. The probability of destruction is determined.
Keywords: construction and technical expertise, defects, reliability, diagnostic tasks, diagnostic methods, efficiency
The use of innovative technologies in construction is necessary at all stages of the production cycle from design to operation, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures. One of the leading technologies used to collect and process data on construction sites, sites and territories is laser three-dimensional scanning. In this paper, the features of the use of three-dimensional laser scanning in the construction industry are considered, the advantages and disadvantages of this research method are determined, the stages and principles of this type of measuring design work on the ground are identified.
Keywords: cost management, laser three-dimensional scanning, point cloud, BIM technologies
Sustainable development of urban areas and reduction of negative impacts on the environment is possible through the rational use of energy resources. At the same time, reducing the energy intensity of the existing housing stock, given the unsatisfactory technical condition of a large number of buildings and structures of old construction, and the construction of new energy-efficient buildings is one of the priorities in our country. A qualitatively new approach to solving problems of energy saving in urban planning provides the use of geographic information systems, which make it possible, using mechanisms to support management decision-making and automation of processes associated with spatial analysis, to develop programs to reduce the energy intensity of buildings and the long-term development of the electricity and heat supply system in the municipality.
Keywords: energy saving, energy efficiency, reduction of energy intensity, energy efficient technologies, urban reconstruction