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  • The potential of architectural combinatorics as a design method for multifunctional residential complexes in the digital age

    The paper investigates the use of architectural combinatorics to solve the problems of multifunctional residential complexes in the conditions of digital transformation. The main methods of combinatorics, including conceptual and formal approaches, are considered. The main stages of evolution of the method, starting from constructivism, and the role of modern digital technologies such as BIM, parametric modeling, machine learning and artificial intelligence in the implementation of combinatorial approaches are described. Attention is given to sustainable architecture and optimization of spatial solutions. Successful and problematic project examples are analyzed. Limitations of the application of the technologies are analyzed, as well as ethical and social aspects of their use. The conclusions substantiate the significance of the method in the context of contemporary challenges.

    Keywords: architectural combinatorics, combinatorial methods, multifunctional residential complex, sustainable development, sustainable architecture, adaptive architecture, digital technologies, BIM, parametric modeling, machine learning, artificial intelligence

  • Concepts of sustainable architecture: innovations and their implementation

    This study examines innovative approaches to sustainable architecture, which are classified according to the use of building materials and modern creative concepts that contribute to the creation of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings. Particular attention is paid to the fact that sustainable development in architecture is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of global climate change and growing urbanization. The authors of the study analyze modern technologies and methods that help reduce the negative impact on the environment. Various categories of building materials are systematized and investigated, as well as their impact on the environmental sustainability of buildings. In addition, creative architectural concepts that integrate natural elements are considered.The study analyzes successful examples of the implementation of sustainable architectural projects around the world, demonstrating how a creative approach can lead to a harmonious combination of functionality, aesthetics and environmental responsibility. Special attention is paid to the integration of nature into architectural solutions, as well as the importance of community involvement in the design process.The authors of the study emphasize the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in architectural practice, as well as the importance of education and awareness for creating a sustainable future. The obtained research results can be useful for both practical architects and students who want to integrate sustainable methods into their work.

    Keywords: sustainable architecture, building material, environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, creative concept, recycled resource, natural material, renewable source, solar panel, rainwater harvesting system, interdisciplinary approach

  • Evolution of Architectural Design Technologies

    The article examines the evolution of architectural design technologies from antiquity to the present. It describes the key methods of measurement, drafting, and visualization, the transition from empirical methods to systematic approaches, the development of descriptive geometry, and the implementation of mechanized and digital tools (CAD, BIM). The impact of technological transformations on the accuracy, aesthetics, and functionality of architectural solutions is analyzed, as well as the prospects of parametric design, generative design, and artificial intelligence. This work is relevant for both professionals and a wide audience interested in the history and future of design.

    Keywords: architecture, design, drafting, digitization, cad, bim, parametrization, generative design, artificial intelligence

  • Traditions and innovations in the architecture of public centers in the Republic of Yemen

    The article is devoted to the study of the evolution and current situation of the architecture of community centers in the Republic of Yemen. The main stages of the development of the typology of community centers related to historical events that influenced a number of changes in Yemeni society are consistently considered. A comparative analysis of traditional and modern solutions of Yemen's community centers has been carried out: functional planning, spatial and spatial solutions, architectural facade solutions, structures and materials. The problems associated with the loss of traditional Yemeni solutions in modern architecture have been identified. The conclusions are recommendations on the formation of community centers, taking into account the synthesis of cultural traditions and foreign trends, in order to achieve an international level of service and meet the current needs of the population.

    Keywords: Republic of Yemen, architecture, community center, typology, social structure, traditions, innovations

  • Traditional forms and climatic principles in architecture: the unity of style in ‎business and residential environments

    The article is devoted to the study of traditional forms and climatic principles in architecture in ‎order to create a stylistic unity between residential and business buildings. The relevance of the ‎topic is due to the need for a harmonious combination of cultural heritage, modern requirements ‎for building functionality and sustainability in the context of global climate change and ‎urbanization.‎ The purpose of the work is to analyze the role of traditional architectural solutions and climatic ‎approaches in designing an energy-efficient and aesthetically attractive urban environment.‎ The research methods include a comparative analysis of historical and modern architectural ‎practices, the study of the influence of climatic conditions on the choice of forms, materials and ‎design solutions, as well as the analysis of implemented projects.‎ The results of the study show that the integration of traditional forms and climatic principles, ‎such as passive design, the use of local materials and modern technologies, contributes to the ‎creation of a sustainable urban environment. The paper emphasizes the importance of taking ‎into account the regional context, the use of natural resources and the introduction of ‎innovative technologies.‎ The conclusions emphasize the need for a synthesis of traditions and innovations for the ‎preservation of cultural heritage and the formation of a harmonious urban environment ‎combining comfort, environmental sustainability and a unique architectural appearance.‎

    Keywords: traditional forms, climatic principles, architecture, stylistic unity, residential buildings, ‎business buildings, passive design, cultural heritage, innovative technologies, environmental ‎sustainability

  • Rural estate construction of Russian landowners Kazan province

    Based on statistical processing of various archival data on estate construction by rural landowners of the Kazan province, general information on the number of settlements where estates were built was collected, and the main periods of development and dynamics of this phenomenon for the period from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century were identified. As a result of the study, materials were obtained on 438 settlements where landowners' real estate objects were identified. The specified data were summarized in a single table divided into four main periods: from 1557 to 1650 - the beginning of the development period; from 1651 to 1803 - the period of formation of the main territorial groups; from 1804 to 1875 - the period of the most intensive development; from 1876 to 1918 - the period of stabilization and transition to liquidation. These periods made it possible to identify 70 settlements actively involved in estate construction by landowners for more than 200 years.

    Keywords: development dynamics, estate construction, landowners, Kazan province, quantitative indicators, periods of existence

  • The Evolution of the Architectural Design Process: From Hand Drawing to the Latest Technologies

    The article is devoted to the evolution of the architectural design process in the context of computer technology development. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that modern design requires high accuracy, speed and integration of various aspects such as architectural, engineering and construction solutions. The article examines the key stages of change, ranging from traditional design methods based on manual labor to modern technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD) and information modeling systems for buildings and structures (BIM), which have significantly increased the accuracy, flexibility and efficiency of design processes. processes. Special attention is paid to the introduction of CAD systems that automate the process of creating drawings, and the transition to the concept of Building Information Modeling, which integrates all information about the project into a single digital model, ensuring the collaboration of all participants. The article also analyzes the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence and architectural visualization, which are beginning to influence the design process, allowing for faster creation and analysis of design solutions. In the future, these technologies are expected to open up new horizons for architectural practice, speeding up and improving the process of building design, construction and operation.

    Keywords: architectural design, concept, modeling, three-dimensional space, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, neural networks, drawing, evolution, technologies, building information modeling systems

  • Analysis of contemporary domestic and international experience in designing children's development centers. Urban planning and spatial planning aspects of design

    This article is devoted to the study of domestic and international experience in designing children’s educational centers. The purpose of the study is to identify urban planning and spatial-planning aspects of design, as well as trends and approaches to designing children’s educational centers, taking into account the specific features of architectural development.

    Keywords: education, design, leisure, culture, planning solution, structure, multifunctionality, unique facility, environment, public space

  • Additive technologies in architecture: new horizons

    Additive technologies, or 3D printing, open up new possibilities for architectural design, allowing you to create complex and unique shapes that were previously impossible using traditional methods. These technologies expand the boundaries of architectural creativity, contributing to the emergence of new organic and non-standard geometric solutions. The article examines examples of successful applications of additive technologies in architecture, such as the SOM polymer pavilion and the MARSHA Martian housing project, emphasizing their potential in creating aesthetically attractive and functionally effective structures.

    Keywords: Additive technologies, 3D printing, architectural design, complex shapes, organic structures, complex geometry, MARSHA, NASA, functional efficiency, ultralight structures, aesthetics, innovation in architecture, architectural creativity, futuristic design

  • A system research of the factors of formation of architectural and typological models of a medium-rise dwelling

    The article presents a system research of the factors of formation of architectural and typological models of a medium-rise dwelling. The research was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the main internal and external factors of building architectural and typological models based on the study and processing of literary sources, analysis of modern domestic and foreign experience in designing medium-rise housing are collected and systematized. The structural elements of the factors are systematized according to well-established architectural concepts. At the second stage of the study, a matrix of dependencies between external and internal factors was formed, and the number of dependencies between internal and external factors was calculated. Based on the data obtained, the internal factors were grouped by the number of links with external factors. The obtained results of the system research provide the basis for further construction of a limited number of the most versatile and flexible architectural and typological models that take into account the greatest number of environmental conditions.

    Keywords: architectural and typological models, urban planning conditions, cultural conditions, national and ethnographic conditions, natural and climatic conditions, socio-demographic conditions, medium-rise housing

  • Factors influencing the architectural formation of medical university buildings

    This article examines the factors that influence the architectural formation of medical university buildings. The advantages and disadvantages of building construction and reconstruction are briefly analyzed. The main attention is paid to urban planning, natural and climatic, functional planning and economic factors, their influence on the architectural formation of buildings. Examples of the construction of medical university buildings in the 21st century are given.

    Keywords: architecture, medical university, factors, architectural formation, university architecture

  • Models of architectural and spatial renovation of port complexes

    The article discusses the problem of renovation of facilities of port complexes (PCs). The purpose of the study is to identify possible architectural and spatial models of renovation. The method of morphological analysis is used. The port complex is being "decomposed" into its main structural elements, and their classification is given.: 1) elements of the water area; 2) functional and spatial elements; 3) components of the communication framework; 4) elements of visual communication. The obtained models create a methodological basis for the architectural and spatial renovation of the facilities of the port complex.

    Keywords: port complex, renovation, models, aspects, elements, morphological approach

  • Retrospective of the formation of the architecture of university campuses in the South of Russia

    The article examines the history of the formation of the architecture of university campuses in the South of Russia (the territory of the modern Southern Federal District and Stavropol Krai) - from the creation of the first universities to the present day. The architectural, stylistic and planning features of campuses of different periods of construction are outlined in the context of the development of domestic architecture. The main factors of development and types of campuses in the South of Russia are identified.

    Keywords: university campus, history of architecture, types of campuses, material and technical base

  • The specifics of the architectural and planning organization of institutions for the rehabilitation of athletes

    The features of the functional-planning and architectural-environmental organization of rehabilitation centers for injured athletes are investigated. A comparative analysis of the functional process of existing rehabilitation centers for the disabled and rehabilitation institutions for athletes is carried out; a system of additional specific measures and functional blocks influencing their architectural, environmental and planning characteristics is identified. For the stabilization, adaptation, recovery and consolidation stages, a specific group of rooms, spaces and equipment is offered, including: individual exercise machines, halls and rooms for group classes, simulators of psychological stress, as well as universal gyms and outdoor playgrounds for demonstration performances of athletes (at the "consolidation" stage). The presented proposals on the functional organization serve as a methodological basis for the formation of adaptive architectural and planning models of rehabilitation centers for athletes.

    Keywords: rehabilitation center for athletes, architectural and planning organization, functional blocks

  • Retrospective analysis of the experience in designing children's development centers

    The article examines the history of the development of a children’s educational center and the influence of society’s social needs on shaping the architectural image of educational and cultural leisure institutions.

    Keywords: education, school, leisure, culture, social institution, planning, structure, multifunctionality, monastery, university, cultural center, design principles

  • Blocked and atrium residential buildings as modern types of medium-rise apartment building

    The article examines the current state of classification of planning structures of medium-rise residential buildings. An extension of the classification is offered based on the results of the analysis of modern national and foreign experience in the design of medium-rise residential buildings and the study of literary sources. New types are designated: a blocked and atrium medium-rise residential building. Medium-rise single-family and small-family block houses, their features, advantages and variations of the architectural and spatial structure depending on the location of residential cells are analyzed. The classification of atrium low-rise and multi-apartment medium-rise residential buildings is formulated. The closed and open atrium houses, their socio-economic and sanitary-hygienic advantages are considered. It has been established that residential cells in medium-rise blockaded and atrium residential buildings provide active recreation and professional work for a significant part of the modern urban population. The conclusion about the prospects of new types of medium-rise residential buildings is substantiated.

    Keywords: architectural and spatial structure, atrium, atrium house, blocked house, urban dwelling, classification of residential buildings, planning structure, socio-professional structure of the population, medium-rise apartment building, residential cell

  • Architectural structures made of prefabricated frame structures for mobile tourism

    At the moment, it is necessary to actively develop domestic tourism. One of the options for affordable outdoor recreation near the house is glamping. Glamping is attractive because it can be located in recreational areas and does not require capital buildings. Prefabricated structures are used to organize recreation and leisure. The traditional structures are a geo dome and various prisms. The authors transformed the basic shapes of the glamping buildings in search of an optimal architectural design solution, which made it possible to create three different layout schemes. As a result of the conducted research, a variant of the development of the shape of the structure was proposed when combining a hemisphere and a triangular prism.

    Keywords: domestic tourism, glamping, geodesic dome, aframe, dome frame, frame frame

  • Modeling of lighting effects and development of a sketch of the lighting design project of the Drama theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky

    The article offers a variant of the development of lighting design projects for outdoor architectural lighting. Based on the modeling of light distribution in the DIALux 4.13 program, brushes have been created using specific lighting devices that simulate lighting effects from real lighting devices. A variant of the sketch of outdoor architectural lighting using Adobe Photoshop has been created with the implementation of local lighting techniques using the example of a drama theater building. Using a three-dimensional model of the object, a light design project was created in the DIALux EVO program. The proposed method of creating sketches is useful in professional activities related to the development of sketches of lighting design projects based on their high-quality photographs without the need to develop three-dimensional models, for conceptual proposals of fragments of the urban light environment and landscape territories. Having developed a base of brushes (based on real light distributions of lighting devices), it is possible to create sketches of architectural lighting of buildings that implement various lighting techniques.

    Keywords: adobe photoshop, dialux 4.13, dialux evo, sketch, brush, building facade, outdoor architectural lighting, lighting effect, lighting technique, architectural lighting concept

  • Application of graph theory for subjective evaluation of residential planning solution

    Providing the population with comfortable housing has always been a pressing issue. However, there are very few formalized criteria for this, apart from the regulation of minimum floor areas. In this context, the article deals with the problem of evaluating the efficiency of residential space design solutions in terms of their logistical comfort. For this purpose, a method is proposed that uses the apparatus of graph theory and allows to calculate the time cost of an "idle" move for a representative of a given social group in relation to the evaluated design solution. An idle move is a user's movement between characteristic functional zones of the layout. A special matrix is used to model the links between these zones, the construction of which is similar to that of the incident matrix in undirected graphs. As an example of the applicability of the proposed approach, several variants of layouts of one-room, two-room and three-room flats are considered. The comparison of the obtained results for different types of layouts, including those that existed 15-20 years ago and modern ones, indicates a tendency to increase the logistic comfort of modern layouts.

    Keywords: planning solution, logistic comfort, idling, graph theory

  • The social foundations of the evolution of the architectural and spatial structure of housing in the largest cities of Southern Russia

    The article analyzes the evolution of the architectural and spatial structure and recreational complex of mass housing in the largest cities of Southern Russia in relation to the socio-professional structure of the population from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. The research method is based on the provisions of the concept of the evolution of residential architecture based on the development of a recreational complex, developed by Professor V.M. Molchanov. The research method consists of conducting a retrospective analysis of the architectural and spatial structure and recreational complex of housing in the largest cities of Southern Russia based on the study and processing of literary sources, graphical analysis of the prevailing APS residential development in each designated period. Based on the revealed relationship, the social foundations of the formation of the architecture of mass housing in the period under review were revealed. Based on the results obtained, a forecast was made about prospective forms of organization of the architectural and spatial structure of the dwelling, taking into account current changes in professional groups of the post-industrial era, including a growing number of workers employed in the information sphere, culture and education. The conclusion is substantiated about the prospects of medium-rise urban development, which provides active recreation and professional work for a significant part of the modern urban population.

    Keywords: architectural and spatial structure, urban housing, mass housing, recreation and wellness complex, social foundations of design, socio-professional structure of the population, evolution of housing

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the underground location of public facilities

    This article is devoted to the study of the advantages and disadvantages of the underground location of public facilities. Advantages such as: favorable acoustic conditions, stable temperature and humidity conditions, natural protection of the object from vibrations, natural noise protection of the object, aesthetic, economic and functional effects from the potential absence of a ground part, increased service life, lack of influence of weather conditions, inexhaustibility of underground resources, the possibility of improving engineering networks, independence from topographic terrain conditions. The following disadvantages are also considered: increased financial costs for construction, the presence of stereotypes regarding the psychological comfort of staying in an underground space, the lack of daylight. In conclusion, the article concludes that it is necessary to develop architectural methods and techniques to compensate for the disadvantages of the underground location of public facilities.

    Keywords: architecture, underground architecture, underground space, public underground facility, architectural methods, underground urbanism, underground theater "Shanghai Culture Plaza Theater", underground ice complex "Gjovik", Ihva University campus

  • Modern trends in the design of multifunctional residential complexes

    The article examines current trends in the design of multifunctional residential complexes (MHCs), reflecting changes in the requirements for the urban environment and social demands. The historical stages of the evolution of the MCC are analyzed, starting with ancient civilizations and ending with modern concepts of sustainable development. Special attention is paid to such key aspects as flexibility and adaptability of spaces, environmental sustainability, integration of high technologies, as well as social and community integration. The article also highlights additional trends such as polycentricity, autonomy, regulation of the boundaries of responsibility of residential units, functional and typological intensification of courtyard spaces, the principle of openness and transparency. It is concluded that modern housing and communal services strive to create a sustainable and comfortable urban environment capable of adapting to changes and meeting the needs of residents.

    Keywords: multifunctional residential complex, sustainable architecture, autonomous architecture, adaptive architecture, residential environment, residential buildings

  • Church architecture of Kuban: history of the formation of Orthodox churches in Yekaterinodar in the 19th century

    In the context of the administrative-territorial organization of Kuban, key features that determine the formation of church architecture are identified. Particular importance is given to the complex of architectural and urban planning solutions that were envisaged during the construction of Orthodox churches in Yekaterinodar. The individual, not preserved objects of church architecture in the historical period under study, recognized as significant for this settlement, are noted. The historical plan of Yekaterinodar of the first 19th century with established residential areas, religious buildings and structures is designated. A retrospective analysis of the placement of these objects in the architectural and planning structure of the city was conducted. Visual illustrations presented in the scientific study contribute to the structuring of the material. Attention is focused on the preservation of historical memory through objects of Orthodox heritage.

    Keywords: church architecture, Cossacks, Kuban, religion, church, Orthodox churches, architecture, object, structure, appearance, tradition

  • Architectural features of visitor centers of natural parks in the Volgograd region. Concept of the visitor center of the Volga-Akhtubinskaya Floodplain Nature Park

    The article analyzes the architectural features of the visitor centers of natural parks in the Volgograd region. The features of the influence of this type of building on ensuring protection and assisting in educating the public about the significance and uniqueness of various territories are considered. Visitor centers are specially created buildings or complexes designed for outreach work with park visitors. They perform a number of functions: informational, educational, environmental. The architectural features of visitor centers of natural parks in the Volgograd region are described. The concept of visitor centers of the Volga-Akhtubinskaya Floodplain Natural Park has been developed

    Keywords: architecture, visitor center, natural and national parks, environmental architecture, recreational and health potential, national characteristics, construction, architectural design

  • Methods of combinatorial search modeling to achieve sustainability indicators in the architecture of multifunctional residential complexes

    The architecture of multifunctional residential complexes (MFRC) is considered in the aspect of “resistance” to external factors and influences. There are four levels of formation of the MFRK: the level of urban planning structure; level of volumetric-spatial organization; level of functional and architectural planning structure; the level of compositional organization and search for the expressive appearance of the MFRK. At each of the identified levels, the “target” indicators of “sustainable architecture” are achieved. The process of forming the MFRC is considered as a sequence of combinatorial search stages and procedures based on modeling the geometric parameters of the visual model of the MFRC in order to get as close as possible to the “stability indicator”. Four methods of combinatorial search modeling are proposed: the method of “overlaying” planning frames; method of “tracing” the formative contour; method of “collaging” functional planning elements; a method of combining “regular grids” in the public, business and residential parts of the MFRK. To intensify combinatorial search procedures, it is proposed to use digital design technologies.

    Keywords: university complex, transit urban spaces, scenario approach, functional-thematic zones, architectural and environmental modules